Thursday, May 10, 2018

NI2 10/5/18

p. 91
1 eye, 2 arm, 3 hand, 4 feet, feet, 5 eye, 6 eyes, 7 back, 8 face, 9 leg, 10 hand.

Flat tyre

Can’t take my eyes off you

ex. 9, p. 93

They were going to have a barbecue, but it started pouring down so we had to cook indoors instead.

start a fireThe fire may have been started by a cigarette.
set fire to something/set something on fire (=make something start burning)A candle fell over, setting fire to the curtains.
something catches fire (=it starts burning)The boat caught fire and sank.
put out a fire (also extinguish a fire formal) (=stop a fire burning)Firemen successfully extinguished the fire.
We were going to go to the beach for the day, but we missed the train so we ended up going to the park instead.
She was going to give me  a lift, but the car didn’t start so we got a taxi instead.
I was going to walk here, but it started pouring with rain so I had to drive.
I was going to stay in and study, but a friend called me so I went out and met him.

lift /lɪft/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo
1  [transitivo] levantar, alzar
Can you  lift  me  up  so I can see?
1  acción de llevar a alguien a algún sitio en coche, en moto, etc.
Do you want a lift?
¿Quieres que te lleve (en coche)?
to give sb a lift llevar a alguien [en coche, en moto, etc.]
I gave him a lift to the station.
Le llevé a la estación.
2  BrE ascensor

p. 102

coal /kəʊl/ UK  US  sustantivo

renewable and non renewable natural resources

wealth /welθ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 riqueza

curse /kɜːs/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] maldecir
 •  sustantivo
1 palabrota
2 maldición, maleficio
to put a curse on sth/sb echarle una maldición a algo/alguien

p. 103, ex. 6

writer Richard
are less wealthy
are forced to
for moving so some regions may want
expensive rules and regulatios
grow quicker

instability /ˌɪnstəˈbɪləti/ UK  US  sustantivo


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