Wednesday, May 02, 2018

NA2 2/5/18

Stainless Steel Medical ID Dog TagNecklace with Chain

Jiminy Cricket is the Walt Disney version of the Talking Cricket (Italian: Il Grillo Parlante), a fictional character created by Carlo Collodi for his children's book The Adventures of Pinocchio

fan /fæn/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable] 
1 someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very much, or who admires a famous person
 Groups of football fans began heading towards the ground.
fan of
 He’s a big fan of Elvis Presley.
fan mail/letters (=letters sent to famous people by their fans)
a) a machine with turning blades that is used to cool the air in a room by moving it around
 a ceiling fan
b) a flat object that you wave with your hand which makes the air cooler

absent-ˈminded adjective 
likely to forget things, especially because you are thinking about something else SYN forgetful
- Grandad’s been getting rather absent-minded lately.

ˈtax reˌturn noun [countable] 
the form on which you have to give information so that your tax can be calculated

the periodic table
p. 132

somebody’s mind goes blank
(also somebody’s mind is a blank) informal if your mind goes blank, you suddenly cannot remember something
- For some inexplicable reason, her mind went completely blank.
- His heart was thumping and his mind was a complete blank.

be about to do something
if someone is about to do something, or if something is about to happen, they will do it or it will happen very soon
- We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived.
- Work was about to start on a new factory building.

burden /ˈbɜːdn $ ˈbɜːrdn/ ●○○ noun 
1 [countable] something difficult or worrying that you are responsible for
- His family responsibilities had started to become a burden.
burden of
- The burden of taxation has risen considerably.
burden on
- I don’t like being a burden on other people.
bear/carry the burden
- If things go wrong he will bear the burden of guilt.
the tax/financial/debt burden

dates, smells, confident, important, good, grateful, external, poor.

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