Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ni1 15/5/18

prefer /prɪˈfɜː/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo] (-rred, -rring)
I  prefer  cats  to  dogs.
Prefiero los gatos a los perros.
I'd prefer it if you didn't smoke.
Preferiría que no fumaras.
to prefer to do sth, to prefer doing sth preferir hacer algo

p. 147
Spending, applying, not to say, to star, not to ask, working, solving, not going, modelling, to learn.

stop doing something
if you stop doing something, you do not continue to do it 
I stopped talking and looked at him.

stop to do something 
to not walk, move, or travel anymore Sam stopped to give me a lift

GRAMMAR: Patterns with stop
stop doing something
• If you stop doing something, you do not continue doing it:Stop writing and put your pens down.Don’t say: Stop to write and put your pens down.
stop to do something
• If you stop to do something, you stop moving or stop what you are doing for a short time, in order to do something else:She stopped to look at the map.

remember (somebody) doing something 
I remember meeting her at a party once. 
I remember my father bringing home a huge Christmas tree.

help somebody (to) do something 
I helped her to carry her cases up the stairs. 
She helped him choose some new clothes.

To retire, commuting, not to worry, locking, not to buy, leave, wear, not to make, doing.

ˌcovering ˈletter noun [countable] 
British English a letter that you send with documents or a package that gives information about its contents SYN cover letter American English
- Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.

let /let/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo] (pasado & participio let, gerundio letting)
1 dejar
to let sb do sth dejar a alguien hacer algo, dejar que alguien haga algo
He doesn't let us play near the river.

Homework: writing activity, p. 120 + revise and check, p. 82 and 83

My mother asked me to help her with a problem with the mobile phone.

p. 80

share /ʆeə/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] compartir
I share a room with my sister.
 •  sustantivo
1 parte, cupo
I calculated my  share of  the bill.
Calculé la parte de la cuenta que me tocaba pagar.
They want a  share in  the profits.
Quieren una participación en las ganancias.

entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː/ UK  US  sustantivo
empresario -a

aquatina: the bottle is better for the planet, you can compress it and keep it in your pocket and fill it up later. Phone app to find places for that.
Freedom: healthy dessert, low in fat, no sugar, no calories, different flavours (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry), no milk or gluten, healthy food shops, big supermarkets.

You can refill any bottle of water, you don’t need a special one.

refill1 /riːˈfɪl/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
volver a llenar

they tried it and they liked it.
Tell you about
Tuned pen
Each one has an indivual design.
Due to
Different from the others because it’s a lot softer than then others
to fill

stain /steIn/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo

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