Monday, May 21, 2018

NA2 21/5/18

p. 145
to do, help, done, cleaned, to do, fix, organise, looked.

Last week I had a cleaner clean the house.
Last week I had the house cleaned

Last week I got a cleaner to clean the house.
Last week I got the house cleaned

Ex. 9
Got someone to organise...
Have a personal trainer take...
Have a driver pick...
Have a travel consultant choose their...
Get their children looked after...
Got someone to pack their bags for them...

p. 146 – 147

strive /straɪv/ UK  US  verbo [intransitivo] (pasado strove, participio striven) (formal)
to strive for sth- esforzarse por lograr algo
to strive to do sth- esforzarse por hacer algo

thrive /θraɪv/ UK  US  verbo [intransitivo] (pasado thrived o throve, participio thrived)
1  prosperar, salir adelante [empresa, economía]

2  crecer bien [planta]

3 she thrives on pressure/hard work etc rinde más bajo presión/cuando tiene mucho trabajo etc

want ●○○ noun 
1 → for (the) want of something
2 → for want of a better word/phrase etc
3 → not for want of (doing) something
4 → for want of anything better (to do)
5 LACK [countable, uncountable] formal something that you need but do not have
 a disgraceful want of proper care

pursue /pəˈsjuː/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo] (formal)
1  dedicarse a, forjarse [una carrera profesional]

2  adoptar [una política]

3  perseguir, tratar de alcanzar [una meta]

recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo]
1 contratar, seleccionar [personal]

I was  recruited as  Tom's replacement.

Me contrataron para reemplazar a Tom.

They are  recruiting for  salespeople at the moment.

Ahora mismo están buscando vendedores.

2 reclutar [soldados]

 •  sustantivo
1 (en el ejército) recluta

2 (de una organización) miembro

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