Wednesday, May 16, 2018

NB2 16/5/18

COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1,5 & 6
- time passes/goes by
As time passed, she thought less and less about her family back home.
- take time (=require a long time to do)
Learning a new skill takes time.
- have time (=have enough time to do something)
I didn’t do it because I didn’t have time.
- have/get time to do something
We never get time to do anything together.
- spend time
I’m going to spend some time with my family.
- pass the time (=spend a period of time doing something)
The prisoners pass the time reading, or writing letters.
- waste time
You are wasting your time arguing with him.
- save time
I used a ready-made sauce in order to save time.

"Spend time” is used to talk about the time you do an activity. "Pass the time" means doing something to make the time pass faster while you are waiting for something else. "I'm spending time at my mother's house." “I look at the magazines to pass thetime while waiting for my appointment at the dentist's office.

get/receive an email
Within seconds, I got an email confirming the booking.

p. 138

allow /əˈlaʊ/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
1 dejar, permitir
 ▶ En esta acepción el verbo  to allow se usa a menudo en la voz pasiva. Mira los ejemplos:
She's not  allowed to go out on her own.
No la dejan salir sola.
I can't come. I'm not allowed.
No puedo ir. No me dejan.
Children are not allowed in this bar.
No dejan entrar niños en este bar.
He's not allowed sweets.
No le dejan comer golosinas.
Fishing in the lake is not allowed.
No está permitido pescar en el lago.
2 (posibilitar) permitir
The money she inherited  allowed her  to give up her job.
El dinero que heredó le permitió dejar el trabajo.

Ex. 1

1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5f, 6g, 7h, 8e

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