Monday, April 16, 2018


Object pronoun

I want to meet him
I like her
I want to meet her
She has her phone with her
Two of them are dangerous
Can Cal stop them?

Pro. Pe.    Adj. PosPro. Obj
I              my           me
You         your         you
He           his           him
She          her                her
It             its            it
We           our          us
You         your        you    
They        their        them

I am a student (al principio de la frase, lleva a cabo la acción)
This is my car (delante del nombre, indica la relación con el poseedor)
I’m with them / I like them ( detrás de un pronombre o un verbo)

Homework: grammar bank, p. 135, ex. 6Aa and 6Ab + reading p. 46-47

I want to pass the English test
I want to pass it

I like English / it
He loves Sarah / her
I read books / them
He invites Sarah and me / us
He has a present for Emilio / me-him
She has a meeting with Monica / me-her
We want to meet Peter and Sally - them
She is with Jose and Brandon / us - them

I met them at home

What’s the weather like today?
Today it is sunny, windy and hot.

What time is it?
It is five past five

p. 159

hot, cloudy, raining, windy, foggy, cold, snowing

winter, summer, spring, autumn- fall

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Sixth, seventh, 8th, 9th, tenth, eleventh, 12th, thirteenth, fourteenth, 20th, twenty-first, 22nd, twenty-third, 24th, thirtieth, 31st.

Today is the Monday, (the) 16(th) (of) April, 2018

My birthday is on (the) 23rd (of) May

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