Wednesday, April 04, 2018

NA2 4/4/18

float ●○○ noun [countable] 
1 VEHICLE a large vehicle that is decorated to drive through the streets as part of a special event
- We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past.

ex‧tinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ 

p. 97, ex. 9

species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ ●●○ W3 noun (plural species) [countable] 
a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants → genus
- Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.
- pandas and other endangered species (=ones that may soon no longer exist)
• The giant panda is an endangered species. There are fewer than a thousand living in the wild.
• There are over forty species of bird living on the island.

It was said 30 years the the L B B was a common species.
It was said that hunters had caused the butterfly to die out.
It was thought that CR was a poor country.
It is claimed that taking...
It was said that none... had been conclusive.
It was claimed that eating ... would improve your health.
It is known that eating...

Ex. 10
It’s believed that...prevents...
It is said that...came
It is know... increases
It was reported that... had fallen...
It was claimed that... had discovered...

It was reported that

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