Thursday, October 26, 2017

NI2 26/10/17

They started dating.
The way my parents met.
A little too young.

catch somebody’s eye
a) to attract someone’s attention and make them look at something
 Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his eye.
b) to look at someone at the same moment that they are looking at you
Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.

catch somebody’s eye
a) to attract someone’s attention and make them look at something 
Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his eye.
b) to look at someone at the same moment that they are looking at you 
Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.

p. 14

hug /hʌg/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
  verbo (-gged, -gging)
1  [intransitivo] abrazarse
2  [transitivo] abrazar
 •  sustantivo

sad, angry, tired, worried, setressed, furious, frustrated...

annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ UK  US  adjetivo
enfadado -a, molesto -a
What's he so  annoyed about?
¿Por qué está tan enfadado?
She was  annoyed at being made to wait.
Estaba molesta porque la estaban haciendo esperar.
to get annoyed molestarse, enfadarse

exhausted /ɪgˈzɔːstɪd/ UK  US  adjetivo
exhausto -a, agotado -a
exhausted from/by

pleased /pliːzd/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 contento -a
She's  pleased about  the results.
Está contenta con los resultados.
2 pleased to meet you (formal) encantado -a (de conocerle/la)

fu‧ri‧ous /ˈfjʊəriəs $ ˈfjʊr-/ 
furious at/about 
Residents in the area are furious at the decision.
furious with 
She was furious with herself for letting things get out of hand.

stressed /strest/
There's no point in getting stressed about it.

upset /ʌpˈset/ UK  US  adjetivo & verbo
 •  adjetivo
1 disgustado -a, molesto -a
She's upset because Jamie forgot her birthday.
Está molesta porque Jamie se olvidó de su cumpleaños.
upset about/by sth disgustado -a por algo
to get upset enfadarse, disgustarse
Don't get upset. I'm sure he didn't mean it.
No te enfades. Estoy seguro de que no lo hizo adrede.
2 to have an upset stomach tener el estómago revuelto

guilty /ˈgɪlti/ UK  US  adjetivo (-tier, -tiest)
1 (con remordimientos) culpable
to feel guilty about sth sentirse culpable por algo

unhappy or sad
Tim’s been feeling down

surprised /səˈpraɪzd/ UK  US  adjetivo
1  sorprendido -a [persona]
to be surprised sorprenderse
Andrew was very surprised when I walked in.
Andrew se sorprendió mucho cuando me vio entrar.
"She finally left him." " I'm not surprised!"
–Al final le ha dejado. –¡No me sorprende!
I was  surprised by her behaviour.
I was surprised at her behaviour.

ˌfed ˈup UK  US  adjetivo (informal)
harto -a
I'm  fed up with being treated like a servant.
Estoy harta de que me traten como a una sirvienta.

frown /fraʊn/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo [intransitivo]
fruncir el ceño
ceño fruncido

dis‧ap‧point‧ed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd◂/ ●●● S3 W3
unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected 
Dad seemed more disappointed than angry. 
disappointed customers
disappointed (that) 
I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost.
disappointed at/with/about something 
Local residents were disappointed with the decision.

That must be a relief
What a pain-que fastidio

accustomed  to
accused   of
acquainted    with
addicted  to
annoyed  about/with/at
allergic    to
amazed   at/by
anxious   about
appreciated   for
ashamed  of
associated    with
astonished    at/by
aware of
angry  with
afraid of
attached  to
bad     at
based on
beneficial to
boastful   for
bored with
brilliant    at
busy   with
capable    of
careful     with/about/of
certain     about
characteristic     of
clever at
connected     with
conscious     of
content    with
crazy  about
crowded  with
curious    about
dissatisfied   with
doubtful  about
delighted at/about
derived    from
different  from
disappointed with
eager  for
eligible     for
enthusiastic  about
excellent  in/at
excited    about
experienced  in
exposed  to
envious    of
faithful    to
familiar    with
famous    for
fed up with
free    of/from
frightened     of
friendly    with
fond   of
furious     about
furnished with
full of
generous with/about
guilty  of/about
gentle with
good  at
grateful   to
happy about
hopeful    of/about
identical   with/to
immune   to
impressed     with
inferior    to
indifferent     to
innocent  of
interested     in
involved   with
incapable of
jealous     of
kind    to
keen   on
late     for
limited     to
lucky  at
nervous   of/about
notorious for
opposed  to
patient     with
pessimistic    about
pleased    with
polite  to
popular    with
presented     with
proud of
punished for
puzzled   by/about
qualified  for
ready  for
related     to
relevant   to
respectful     for
responsible   for
rid of
sad     about
safe    from
satisfied   with
scared of
sensitive  to
serious    about
sick    of
similar     to
shocked   by
skilful at
slow   at
sorry  for/about
successful     in
suitable   for
sure    of/about
superior   to
surprised at
suspicious    of
sympathetic  with
terrible    at
terrified   of
tired   of
thankful   to/for
trilled with
troubled  with
typical of
unaware   of
upset  about
used   to
wrong with/about
worried    about

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