Monday, October 30, 2017

NB1 30/10/17

p. 8 / p. 150
Blackboard – whiteboard - board

pic‧ture /ˈpɪkə $ -ər/

turn off phrasal verb ->(stand up, sit down)
1 turn something ↔ off
Turn off the computer, the lights, the car...
OPP turn on

Stop talking, reading, writing...

talk /tɔːk $ tɒːk/
walk /wɔːk $ wɒːk/
work /wɜːk $ wɜːrk/

listen /ˈlɪsən/ 
answer /ˈɑːnsə $ ˈænsər/ 

teacher – pupil, student

Can you spell / repeat that?
I’m early / late.

understand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ UK  US  verbo (pasado & participio understood)
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] entender, comprender
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Perdone, pero no le entiendo.
copy /ˈkɒpi/-> photocopy /ˈfəʊtəkɒpi/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo (plural -pies)

How do you spell it?

Can you spell it?
Can you help me?

I don’t know/nəʊ/
I don’t understand

What page /day / time / colour is it?

Thank you -> you’re welcome

Here you are-> aquí tienes / toma.

What’s the capital of Brazil?
What’s the problem?

The -> el, la, los, las

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