Thursday, October 19, 2017

NI2 19/10/17

p. 8
ˌcivil ˈservant UK  US  sustantivo
funcionario -a (público -a)

warehouse /ˈweəhaʊs/ UK  US  sustantivo
almacén, depósito

be into something
spoken to like and be interested in something
 I’m really into folk music.

10) do, do, been, were ( to be born), does, did, are, have, does, has.

born /bɔːn/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 to be born nacer
I was born on Christmas Day.
Nací el día de Navidad.

everyone /ˈevriwʌn/ UK  US  pronombre
todo el mundo, todos -as
Everyone knows that's not true.
Todo el mundo sabe que eso no es verdad.

involve /ɪnˈvɒlv/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
1 implicar, conllevar
-Catching the first train would involve getting up at five in the morning.
Coger el primer tren implicaría levantarse a las cinco de la mañana.
-What does the job involve?
¿En qué consiste el trabajo?

What does that involve?
How long have you been studying English?
What kind of music are you into?
Do you get on with her OK?
Did you get anything nice?
Who do you work for?

smoothly /ˈsmuːðli/ ●○○ adverb 
1 in a steady way, without stopping and starting again
 Traffic flowed smoothly.
2 if a planned event, piece of work etc goes smoothly, there are no problems to spoil it
 It’ll take about three hours if everything goes smoothly.
 Donna keeps the office running smoothly.

We are very closed
Nothing much

Homework: reading activity p. 10 and 11

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