Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NI1 20/2/18

halt ●○○ verb 
1 [transitive] to prevent someone or something from continuing – used especially in news reports SYN stop
- The government has failed to halt economic decline.

either ... or
a) used to begin a list of two or more possibilities
- You add either one or two cloves of garlic.
- She’s the kind of person that you either love or hate.

neither ... nor ...
used when mentioning two things that are not true or possible
- Neither Oleg’s mother nor his father spoke English.
- The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.
GRAMMAR: Negatives
After neither, use nor:
Neither he nor his wife enjoyed the vacation.
Most of them neither know nor care how it works.
Don’t say: Neither he or his wife... Most of them neither know or care ...

p. 47
ex. 7

to catch someone red-handed

cabestrillo nm    (inmovilizador del brazo)   sling n
- Para inmovilizarle el brazo le pusieron un cabestrillo.
- They put his arm in a sling to immobilize it.

Remedial exam (de recuperación)

Cheat sheet / paper

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