Monday, February 26, 2018

NB1 26/2/18

p. 131
ex. 4Ba
In the evening
On (the) twenty-second (of) September
In the summer
At 7.30
At night
On Monday mornings
At the weekend
In January
Ex. 4Bb

At, to, in, at, to, -, in, at, in, at

p. 112

 fa‧vou‧rite  /ˈfeɪvərət/ 

during /ˈdjʊərɪŋ/ UK  US  preposición
so-> así que

until /ənˈtɪl/, también till /tɪl/ UK  US  preposición & conjunción
1  hasta
She's on holiday until next Monday.
Then-> entonces
Closed-> cerradas
Have fun-> divertirse
Just-> simplemente
Looking-> miramdo

(in a shop)
Can I help you?
I’m just looking, thank you.

moth‧er /ˈmʌðə / 

she makes things (that) we like

I like her
She likes me->yo le gusto a ella

I fly from Germany to Spain
I work from Monday to Friday

If-> si (de condicional)
Often-> a menudo
Then-> entonces

Homework: writing p. 112, ex. 3c and e

weekday /ˈwiːkdeɪ/ UK  US  sustantivo
día entre semana

He is in Madrid
He isn’t in Madrid
Is he in Madrid?
Where is he?

We have breakfast at home
We don’t have breakfast at home
Do you have breakfast at home?
Where do you have breakfast?

p. 31

ex. 5
What time do you get up?
I get up at 7.30
What time do you have breakfast in the morning?
I have breakfast at 7.45
What do you have?
I have some toast, milk with cereal and fruit.
How do you go to work?
I go to work by car.
What time do you start school?
I start school at 4.00.
Do you have a long lunch break?
No, I don’t.
How long do you stop for lunch?
I stop for half an hour.
What time do you finish work?
I finish work at nine.
What do you do after school?
I go home.
Do you relax in the evening?
Yes, I do.
What do you do?
I watch TV.
When do you do your English homework?
I do it in the morning.
What time do you go to bed?
I go to bed at 12.00.
How do you feel at the end of the day?
I’m very tired.

Lunch break-> descanso para comer

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