Tuesday, January 16, 2018

NA2 16/1/18

p. 52

ex. 5
very, really / a bit, particularly / very, generally / really / a big, really / actually / generally, really / indeed.

p. 50

songwriter /ˈsɒŋˌraɪtə $ ˈsɒːŋˌraɪtər/ ●●○ noun [countable] 
someone who writes the words and usually the music of songs

outrage /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 indignación
2 atrocidad
3 escándalo

brag /bræg/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (-gged, -gging)
fanfarronear, alardear
He was  bragging about  his new car.
Estaba fanfarroneando de coche nuevo.

BAR (compás)
MUSIC a group of notes and rests, separated from other groups by vertical lines, into which a line of written music is divided
- a few bars of the song

compás nm   (instrumento de dibujo
-compass n pair of compasses n

cocky /ˈkɒki/ UK  US  adjetivo (-kier, -kiest) (informal)

 chulo -a, creído -a

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