Tuesday, December 05, 2017

NI2 5/12/17

El "past perfect" hace referencia a un tiempo anterior al pasado reciente. Se emplea para señalar que un evento ocurrió antes que otro en el pasado. No importa cuál de los eventos se mencione primero, porque el tiempo verbal deja claro el orden temporal en que acontecieron.
En estos ejemplos, el Evento A es el que primero ocurrió y el Evento B tuvo lugar a continuación, es el más reciente:
Evento A
Evento B
John had gone out
when I arrived in the office.
Evento A
Evento B
had saved my document
before the computer crashed.
Evento B
Evento A
When they arrived
we had already started cooking.
Evento B
Evento A
He was very tired
because he hadn't slept well.

     I had not [hadn’t] visited the Louvre before so I didn’t know where the Mona Lisa was.(No había visitado el Museo del Louvre antes, así que no sabía donde estaba la Mona Lisa.)
     They had not [hadn’t] studied English before they went to London.(No habían estudiado inglés antes de irse a Londres.)
     Henry changed careers even though he had not [hadn’t] worked as an accountant for long.(Henry cambió de profesión a pesar de que no había trabajado como contable durante mucho tiempo.)

ˌfed ˈup adjective 
informal annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change
 She felt tired and a bit fed up.
fed up with
 I’m really fed up with this constant rain.
 Anna got fed up with waiting.

surprised /səˈpraɪzd $ sər-/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective 
having a feeling of surprise
 He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door.
surprised at/by
- We were greatly surprised at the news.
surprised (that)
- She was surprised that no one was there to greet her.

pleased /pliːzd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective 
1 happy or satisfied
 Your dad will be so pleased.
pleased by something
 She seemed pleased by the compliment.
pleased about something
 I could tell they were pleased about the news.
pleased with something
 Gwinn was pleased with the results.
pleased for somebody
 That’s wonderful! I’m really pleased for you.
pleased (that)
 Her mother was pleased that she chose a college close to home.
pleased to hear/see/report etc
 I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve got the job.

guilty ɡɪlti/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective 
1 ASHAMED feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done something wrong
guilty about/for/at
- I feel really guilty about forgetting her birthday again.
- She looked self-conscious and guilty.
- It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help.
In everyday English, people often say that they feel bad about something rather than say that they feel guilty about it:
I feel bad about leaving him on his own.
2 OF A CRIME having done something that is a crime OPP innocent
guilty of
- The jury found her guilty of murder.
- He was found not guilty of the death of PC Jones.
- He pleaded guilty to two charges of theft.

stressful /ˈstresfəl/ ●○○ AWL adjective 
a job, experience, or situation that is stressful makes you worry a lot
 Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.

-ed adjectives
Adjectives that end ‘-ed’ describe emotions – they tell us how people feel about something.
  • I was very bored in the maths lesson. I almost fell asleep.
  • He was surprised to see Helen. She’d told him she was going to Australia.
  • He was feeling tired and depressed, so he went to bed.
-ing adjectives
Adjectives that end ‘-ing’ describe the thing that causes the emotion – a boring lesson makes you feel bored.
  • Have you seen that film? It’s absolutely terrifying.
  • I could listen to him for hours. He’s one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met.
  • I can’t eat this! It’s disgusting! What is it?

Estar –ed
Ser –ing

p. 105
My grandmother died 3 days before turning 100.
AGE/TIME [transitive] to become a particular age, or to reach a particular time
somebody turns 15/20/40 etc
- My son’s just turned 18.
it’s turned 2 o'clock/5/midday etc
- It’s just turned three.

p. 106

intense /ɪnˈtens/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 intenso -a [dolor, calor]
with intense interest con sumo interés

2 intenso -a, fuerte [emoción]

3 vehemente [persona]

compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 cumplido, piropo
to pay sb a compliment hacerle un cumplido a alguien, echarle un piropo a alguien

When people take advantage of you

When people are not loyal and don’t respect you.

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