Monday, December 11, 2017

NB1 11/12/17

p. 15

He plays tennis
He has brown hair and brown eyes
He is tall and he has brown eyes
His eyes and hair are brown
No idea
A beard
He is 29 and he sings love stories
He is... his name
He sings very well
He is an actor in the films Robin Hood and Titanic.
He’s a new Spanish polititian
He has long hair, a brown beard and a moustache.
He worked for many years as a university professor
A 18 year old student
This student is 18 years old
He is a famous singer
He is Spanish –
 he is a Spanish man
8 /eit/
He writes his own songs
His most famous song is 19 days and 500 nights /naits/
He always wears a hat
He lives in
He is tall and slim
Grey hair
I think he is about 80

p. 16

hungry /ˈhʌŋgri/ UK  US  adjetivo (-rier, -riest)
1 to be hungry tener hambre
I'm hungry, let's eat.
I have hungry
Tengo hambre, vamos a comer.
2 hambriento -a
hungry children
niños hambrientos

I’m hot /  cold / thirsty…

tired /taɪəd/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 cansado -a
tired out agotado -a
I’m tired

sad /sæd/ UK  US  adjetivo (-dder, -ddest)
1  triste
I’m sad

thirstyθɜːsti/ UK  US  adjetivo (-tier, -tiest)
sediento -a
to be thirsty tener sed
I’m thirsty

worried /ˈwʌrid/ UK  US  adjetivo
 preocupado -a
to be worried about sth/sb estar preocupado -a por algo/alguien
I’m worried (about you)

happy /ˈhæpi/ UK  US  adjetivo (-ppier, -ppiest)
1 feliz
I’m happy

stressed /strest/, también stressed out UK  US  adjetivo
estresado -a
I’m stressed

I have a cold ↓ ≠ I’m cold


How are you?

I’m bored

Song: please don't go

(don't) open the book 

babe- baby
gonna - going to
beg /beg/ UK  US  verbo (-gged, -gging)
1  [transitivo] rogarle a
I'm  begging  you  for  help.
Te ruego que me ayudes.

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