Monday, December 18, 2017

NB1 18/12/2017

+ -> positive
- -> negative


Turn on, don’t speak, go, don’t read, have, be, take, park

Let’s go, Let’s turn off, Let’s sit down, Let’s close, Let’s stop

Let’s go for a walk later
Let’s have / drink a coffee
Let’s go for a beer / coffee
Let’s go to bed / bar / a café / the cinema

p. 18

What’s, she’s, is he, aren’t, I am, her, Our, watches, an umbrella, women, these, difficult exercises, be, don’t eat, let’s.

He is German
Is he German?
Where is he from?

aren't /ɑːnt/ UK  US
 •   contracción de are not
 •   contracción de am not
 ▶ aren't  en el sentido de  am not  se usa en preguntas, p. ej.:  I am your friend, aren't I?

they're /ðeə/ UK  US   contracción de they are

library-> biblioteca
book shop-> librería

from, to, in, at, off

read, work, stand, open, answer.

File, Chinese, France, Ireland, sixteen, Italy, purse, school, wallet, happy

Bad, cheap, clean, short, full

vice versa /vaɪs ˈvɜːsə/ UK  US  adverbio


purse /pɜːs/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1  BrE monedero, cartera

wallet /ˈwɒlɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
cartera, billetera

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