Monday, May 04, 2020

C2 4/5/20

4/5/20 Entertainment (Unit 11)

ˌhush-ˈhush / $ ˈ‧ ‧/ adjective informal    
very secret
- Everything was very hush-hush.

Share your hobbies HERE:👇👇

Same examples about strategy  tabletop game 40k 
I DID NOT paint them ;) Their size is about 4 inches.

Antonio Navarro. Cycling after 70
This photo belongs to my father’s birthday last year. Go cycling is his best present. Even he has been taking part in races up to his early seventies. Of course, he has always won the prize to the oldest one.
I'm proud of him, like he is my son.
There is a saying from Superman film for that feeling:
“The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son”

I do love playing my guitar, I´m very keen on cinema, also I love writing and reading, and taking pictures. Some years ago I was awarded a Photography prize.

I love Theatre, and above all, I love going to Ireland every time I´ve the chance or the money.

The series I deeply recommend you is AFTER LIFE, a British series that takes place in a London´s village , is not to be missed, with an exceptional performance of the main actor. It has a very powerful script….Moreover, the relationships between the main role with the rest of the characters are absolutely delicious.
You have tro take into account that the series has a very strong british accent, but is so worthy!!!!!

I´m a passionate about Ireland and I read a lot about its history, like a freaky irish-lover. 
My favorite hobby is to laze around with a glass of white wine and friends and a fireplace…. And why not, with my guitar. This is the most wonderful plan to me.

I used to paint on canvas, but the pictures are in my mom´s house.
I don´t feel I´m very good at painting, it was a very impressionist kind of painting, I think I needed to express what was going on my mind… but, I was able of getting the hang of it.



I was there too (Antonio) ;)

Alfonso S.

Ana: I like spending memorables moments with my friends around the world, traveling with them or my couple. I also enjoy sharing time with my family playing boarding games, walking for a while with my dog and disconnecting from work and cooking bakery and desserts.
One of my favorite hobbies is creating pictures on different apps to promote a website about paddle, so I use pictures based on this sport, developing my creativity and expressing myself. I love drawing with markers and rotrings as you see in this painting of my favorite monuments of Madrid, Correos building and Cibeles, symbol of my football team, Real Madrid.

Noelia López

I´m really keen on doing sports like climbing


Music is my main hobby. Writing songs and playing covers of songs that have been important to me. 

Entertainment during lockdown

What did you mostly do during lockdown?

Watch the video and share what you think of the hobbies presented?

FRUIT a sweet sticky brown fruit with a long hard seed inside
lei‧sure /ˈleʒə/

Some drawings I’ve done recently

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