Tuesday, May 19, 2020

B1 18/5/20


P. 222
Martha and Clark, whose twins are identical, live on a farm.

Who where which whose which which whose where who who where

👉WHO or WHICH can be replaced by that (or removed if there is a subject after that) WHEN THEY ARE NOT BETWEEN COMMAS.👈

This comic, which I bought yesterday, costs 50€.
This comic which you gave me is my favourite.
This comic that you gave me is my favourite.
This comic --- you gave me is my favourite.

This teacher, who is very tall, is my English teacher.
This teacher who is next to the door took me home when it was raining.
This teacher that is next to the door took me home when it was raining.

The sandwich which you made me for lunch was delicious.
The sandwich that you made me for lunch was delicious.
The sandwich --- you made me for lunch was delicious.

The woman who lived here before us was a writer.
The woman that lived here before us was a writer.

My computer is a lot faster than the one which I used to have.
My computer is a lot faster than the one that I used to have.
My computer is a lot faster than the one --- I used to have.

The man who you saw at the party is my boyfriend.
The man that you saw at the party is my boyfriend.
The man --- you saw at the party is my boyfriend.

Crashed /t/
Pushed /t/

P. 223

Question tags👉They are questions that we use after a sentence to check if something is true.
When the sentence is affirmative the question tag is negative and vice versa.

Hace frío ¿verdad?
It’s cold, isn’t it?

No hace frío ¿verdad?
It isn’t cold, is it?

You are reading, aren’t you?
You aren’t reading, are you?

You were thirsty, weren’t you?
You weren’t thirsty, were you?

She’s going to sing, isn’t she?
She isn’t going to sing, is she?

You will go, won’t you?
You won’t go, will  you?

They can swim, can’t they?
They can’t swim, can they?

They live near the school, don’t they?
They don’t live near the school, do they?

They came from Madrid, didn’t they?
They didn’t come from Madrid, did they?

You have met at the party, haven’t you?
You haven’t met at the party, have  you?

EXCEPTION 👉 I’m invisible, aren’t I? 👉 am not I?

She is German, isn’t she?

They weren’t sleeping, were they?

You can drive a car, can’t you?

We aren’t tired, are we?

They love pizza, don’t they?

He didn’t finish university, did he?

You haven’t seen her, have you?

You must go home, mustn’t you?


P. 164
Which featured on stamps - que aparecieron en sellos


  • The PO organised a competition
  • Also created by the same architect
  • Red is easy to see at a distance. The original design was silver outside and blue inside.
  • There is 1 of the originals there.
  • There we can find some and they still work

  • Designer was specialised in that
  • After that he decided to set up a small company.
  • The lamp is inspired by it.
  • Instant success and it’s still made today.
  • They include variations of the lamp.

  • He could only find magazines.
  • She suggested using the penguin.
  • He sent artists for the drawings.
  • The first book included them.
  • Orange - fiction, blue-biography, green- crime

  • The 60s were famous for those aspects
  • She had a boutique there.
  • She wanted the uniform to be more exciting.
  • She saw a group of them with them and that inspired them. She named the skirt after her favourite car.
  • She didn’t like it.

Hardback (quality version) - paperback (cheap version)
Over the years- a lo largo de los años
Remain - permanecer / continuar como
Long-lasting - duradero
Name after- nombrar como homenaje a
Wear - wore - worn

P. 165
Civil right activist
Dead ≠ alive
Martial arts
Stained glass

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