Wednesday, May 02, 2012

ni2 2/5/12

Homework: grammar practice unit 7 and writing a report, p. 88 (write a similar report but on the topic you choose)
Reports vary in their purpose, but all of them will require a formal structure and careful planning, presenting the material in a logical manner using clear and concise language.
The following suggestions will help you to produce an easily read report:
Paragraphs should be short and concise.
Headings should be clear - highlighted in bold or underlined.
• All diagrams and illustrations should be labelled and numbered.
• All standard units, measurements and technical terminology should be listed in a glossary of terms at the back of your report.

Hirsute / ˈhɜːsjuːt/ literary humorous
Having a lot of hair on your body and face [ hairy]
Quiff [countable]
British English a part of a man's hair style where the hair stands up at the front above his forehead
Moisturizing cream.
Elixir /ɪˈlɪksər / ||/ɪˈlɪksə(r)/
Cellulite / ˈseljəlaɪt / || / ˈseljʊlaɪt/
Grey hair
Gimmick [countable] informal
A trick or something unusual that you do to make people notice someone or something - used to show disapproval [ stunt]:
' class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"> Advertising gimmicks
Stretch mark

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