Thursday, April 26, 2012

nb2 26/4/12

Homework: grammar bank 7D, p.138

The passive

(Active)> Josephine C. invented the dishwasher.
(Passive)> The dishwasher was invented (past participle) by J. C.

The dishwasher was invented by an American woman.
> An American woman invented the dishwasher

Disposable nappies were invented by M. D.
> M.D. invented disposable nappies.

More than 55 million nappies are used (by people> we don’t need to write that part) every day.
>We/people use more than 55 disposable nappies everyday.

Mrs Graham’s invention is called Tipp-Ex today.
> We/people call Mrs Graham’s invention Tipp-Ex today.

Policemen all over the world are protected by the bullet proof vest.
> The bullet-proof vest protects policemen all over the world
Mary cooks these delicious cookies (= the result of an action)
>These delicious cookies are cooked by Mary.

Mary invited John (= person affected by the action) to the party
>John was invited to the party (by Mary)

The problem was solved effectively /ɪˈfektɪvli/ (By…? > the person who did is not important for us or we don’t know him/her).
> Somebody solved the problem.

To be frightened/scared/afraid of... :-O  \^o^/

Base something on/upon something 
Phrasal verb
To use something as the thing from which something else is developed:
Their relationship was based upon mutual respect.
An economy based on farming.

Don Quixote

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