Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ni2 23/5/12

People in need
The others
The other children
betray [transitive]
1 Friends
To be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset:
He felt that she had betrayed him.
Scald [transitive]
To burn your skin with hot liquid or steam:
Don't scald yourself with that kettle!
1 [intransitive and transitive] to die or make someone die by preventing them from breathing:
The animal seizes its prey by the throat and suffocates it to death.
One of the puppies suffocated inside the plastic bag.
1 [intransitive] to be unable to breathe properly because something is in your throat or there is not enough air
Choke on
He choked on a piece of bread.
Six people choked to death on the fumes.
To have one's arm in a sling llevar el brazo en un cabestrillo
Feverish / ˈfiːvərɪʃ/
Thermometer /θərˈmɑːmətər / || /θəˈmɒmɪtə(r)/
Antiseptic 1 / ˈæntɪˈseptɪk/
Swallow 1 / ˈswɑːləʊ / ||/ ˈswɒləʊ/
Swollen 1 / ˈswəʊlən/
Abdomen / ˈæbdəmən/
Scald 1 /skɔːld/
Gauze /ɡɔːz/
Wound 1 /wuːnd/an injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet:
A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.
Injury / ˈɪndʒəri/a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack
Crutch [countable]
1 [usually plural] one of a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk when you have hurt your leg
On crutches (=use crutches)
I was on crutches for three months after the operation.
1 not sharp or pointed [≠ sharp]:
class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1034">Sharpen all your blunt knives.
A blunt pencil.
Heat stroke
In plaster
British English if you have a leg or arm in plaster, you have a plaster cast around it because a bone is broken and needs to be kept in place while it mends

There are such nice people here…
People is so nice here
Used to emphasize your description of something or someone:
They're such nice people.
It's such a long way from here.
I felt such an idiot.
! Such comes before a(n): He's such a nice guy (NOT a such nice guy).
a) [+adjective/adverb] used to emphasize how great a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is:
It was so embarrassing!
Why didn't you call? We were so worried.
class=pronsentence title="American English" onclick="openSoundPlayer('3/MED.pronsentence-p008-000672343.mp3', 'pronsentence', 40044, 2);" v:shapes="_x0000_i1041">I've never seen so many people here before!


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