Thursday, May 24, 2012


I told that I was very tired. WRONG
I told HER/MY SISTER/HELEN that I was very tired. RIGHT
I said HER that I was very tired. WRONG
I said that I was very tired. RIGHT
(Ambos verbos significan decir en español, cuando especificamos a quién te dirigías se usa “TELL”, si no se hace se usa “SAY”.)

Reported Speed with orders / instructions:
- “Sit down”           - she told me TO sit down.
- “Don’t speak”      - she told me NOT TO speak

How to write sentences in direct speech:
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations."
"Today's lesson is on presentations," she said.

Verb changes
Direct speech

Indirect/reported speech
Present simple 
She said, "It’s cold."
Past simple 
She said it was cold.
Present continuous 
She said, "I’m teaching English online."
Past continuous 
She said she was teaching English online.
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
Direct speech

Indirect speech
She said, "I’ll teach English online tomorrow."
She said she would teach English online tomorrow.
She said, "I can teach English online."
She said she could teach English online.
She said, "I must have a computer to teach English online."
had to 
She said she had to have a computer to teach English online.
She said, "What shall we learn today?"
She asked what we should learn today.
She said, "May I open a new browser?"
She asked if she might open a new browser.

Time changes

Expressions of time if reported on a different day
this (evening)
that (evening)
yesterday ...
these (days)
those (days)
(a week) ago
(a week) before
last weekend
the previous weekend
next (week)
the following (week)


"teach English online."
She said she taught English online.

Write a sentence (affirmative, negative or interrogative) in the present or present continuous, or with can/will/must and a time expression.

She wants to sing at 7    -she said (that) she wanted to sing at 7/-she told us/her parents/John and Diana (that) she wanted to sing at 7.
We’ll do/take/sit our English exam next week.   -they said (that) they would do their English exam the following week.
I’m writing a letter        - he said (that) he was writing a letter.
I’m dancing salsa   - she said (that) she was dancing salsa.
I’m playing football tonight  - He said (that) he was playing football yesterday/that night.
I will do it tomorrow, now I’m eating with my parents.      - He said (that) he would do it the following day, then he was eating with his parents.
I can play the guitar very well      - He said (that) he could play the guitar very well.
I’ll travel to Italy this summer.     - She said (that) she would travel to Italy that summer
*I’m studying English at the language school.      - She said that she WAS STUDYING English at the language school
I don’t like Alfred Hitchcock’s films   - He said that he didn’t like A H’s films.
If I win the lottery, I will travel around the world. – She said that if she won the lottery, she would travel around the world.
Are you going to the cinema tonight? -She asked if I was going to the cinema that night.
Where do you go shopping?  - He asked me where I went shopping.

Will you study English with me tonight?     - She asked if I would  study English with her that night.
Am I learning English if I watch a channel in English?      - He asked himself if he was learning English if he watched a channel in English.
Will you work tonight? – She asked if you would work that night.
Can you dance with me?       - She asked if I could dance with her.
Is the flight to London delayed? (PASSIVE)       - She asked (me) if the flight to London was delayed.
When are we going to do the exam?    -He asked me/us when we were going to do the exam.
What are you doing tonight?         - She asked me what I was doing that night.
What time is it? - He asked me what time it was
How often do you go out?     - He asked me how often I went out.
How many people are coming next Saturday?     -he asked me how many people were coming the following Saturday.

1. Pronounce / t / after all voiceless consonant sounds: / f (surfed /sɜːft/, laughed /læft/ ||/lɑːft/, photographed / ˈfəʊtəɡræft/), k (parked  /pɑːkt/), p (stopped  /stɒpt/), sh  (push /pʊʃt/), ch (reached /riːt/), s ( missed  /mɪst/, danced  /dænst / ||/dɑːnst/), x (mixed /mɪkst/).

2. Pronounce / d / after all voiced consonant sounds: / b, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, z / and after vowels / a, e, i, o, u /

3. Pronounce / id /  after / t / (lasted /læstɪd / ||/lɑːstɪd/) and / d / (needed /niːdɪd/).

There were six of us…
It had been stolen…
My son’s identity card…
They were about to close…
To fill the report…
But he didn’t…
Pickpockets: someone who steals things from people's pockets, especially in a crowd.
Due to some reasons they didn’t explain to us…
Tried to entertain us with games…
In Alicante airport for 2 hours…
School trip
We were on a famous island…
We waited for 2 friends
The bus driver
When we came back
We didn’t have any problem
I had to take off all the metal jewels I was wearing…
The last night we were staying there / of our trip
At that moment we didn’t worry we didn’t take the plane…
I went on a trip to Australia last year…
We had dinner at the hotel…
The woman didn’t stop taking photos…
Asked him for his mobile phone…
He didn’t realize what was happening…
Traffic jam
We decided to meet in the future…
I was lucky
And after that I could continue my trip…
The last time
I was driving
When suddenly a reindeer crossed the road…
I felt scared…
That night...
It was difficult to brake…
The first one
People from Japan smell to fish
We wanted to rent a car.
We had to pay by credit card.
We spent the money buying a mobile phone and a camera…
 Cash machine/point
I felt a bit confused at the bus station and I took a wrong bus.

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