Monday, October 28, 2013

ni2 28-29/10/13

As, like, as if
Use as in comparisons in the expression as ... as, with an adjective or adverb in between.
• Basketball is as popular as football here.
• He can't read as well as his classmates.
As is also used in the expressions not so .... as and the same (...) as
• I wouldn't go so far as that.
• He is the same age as me.
Use like in comparisons followed by a noun
• A movie is not like a book (NOT not as a book).
• Like other people (NOT as other people), he values his privacy.
Use as if followed by a clause to compare a real situation with an imaginary situation
• He talked to them as if they were children.!! Some people use like in this sort of comparison
• They act like they own the place.
It is better not to do this as many people think it is incorrect!
As if cannot be followed directly by a noun• You treat them as if they were your parents (NOT as if your parents).
Skilful UK ( US skillful ) /ˈskɪlf ə l/ adjective
1 SOMEONE good at doing something
A skilful artist
2 SOMETHING done or made very well
Skilful use of language
Skilfully adverb UK


1 [countable] a machine that turns around and around, and has model animals or cars for children to sit on [= carousel AmE; = roundaboutBrE]

Roller coaster [countable]
1 a track with very steep slopes and curves, which people ride on in small carriages at fairs and amusement parks

A large machine that people ride on for fun at a fair:
We went on loads of rides.

Mosque /mɒsk/ noun [ C ]
[ RELIGION ] a building where Muslims say their prayers


Surroundings /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ noun [ plural ]
The place where someone or something is and the things that are in it
Have you got used to your new surroundings?

greet /griːt/ verb [ T ]
1 WELCOME to welcome someone
He greeted me at the door.
2 REACT to react to something in a particular way
[ often passive ] His story was greeted with shrieks of laughter.

Meet and greet…

/rɪˈstɔːr /
/ˈkʌltʃər /

Breathtaking /ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ/ adjective
Very beautiful or surprising
breathtaking views
breathtakingly adverb

A short/ten-minute, etc walk
A journey that takes a short time/ten minutes, etc when you walk.
The station is just a five-minute walk from the house.

Swim 2 /swɪm/ noun [ C ]
[ SPORT ] a time when you swim
I went for a swim before breakfast.


Jewish /ˈdʒuːɪʃ/ adjective
[ RELIGION , SOCIETY ] relating or belonging to the Jews
Jewish history/law

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