Monday, April 08, 2019

B2.2 8/4/19


Participle sentences activities:

be all the rage
informal to be very popular or fashionable
- DiCaprio became all the rage after starring in the film ‘Titanic’.

scam /skæm/ noun [countable] informal   
a clever but dishonest way to get money
 He got involved in a credit card scam.

Thief-> thieves

Homework: p. 97, ex. B and C

GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?
• Trouble is usually used as an uncountable noun:
Are you having trouble with your car?
Don’t say: Are you having a trouble with your car? Trouble is not used with ‘a’.
• The plural form troubles is used when talking about worries or bad experiences that someone has:
Tell me about all your troubles.

If only he had come back home sooner he could have avoided his father scolding.

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