Monday, April 08, 2019

ALB2 8/4/19

sue /sjuː $ suː/ ●○○ verb [intransitive, transitive]   
1 to make a legal claim against someone, especially for money, because they have harmed you in some way
- If the builders don’t fulfil their side of the contract, we’ll sue.

u‧nion /ˈjuːnjən/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun   
1 [countable] (also trade union British English, labor union American English) an organization formed by workers to protect their rights
union of
- the National Union of Teachers
- Are you planning to join the union?
 union members

in court
alley /ˈæli/
speed up
muzzle /ˈmʌzəl/ noun [countable]   
1 the nose and mouth of an animal, especially a dog or horse
2 a cover that you put over a dog’s mouth to stop it from biting people

ˌill-ˈtreat verb [transitive]   
to be cruel to someone, especially to a child or animal
 a rescue centre for ill-treated horses
gave a friend a lift to her house.

rapist /ˈreɪpɪst/ noun [countable]   
a person who has raped someone (=forced them to have sex, especially using violence)
 She later found out that he was a convicted rapist.

kid‧nap /ˈkɪdnæp/ ●●○ verb (kidnapped, kidnapping also kidnaped, kidnaping American English) [transitive]   
to take someone somewhere illegally by force, often in order to get money for returning them → ransom.

mo‧lest /məˈlest/ verb [transitive]   
1 to attack or harm someone, especially a child, by touching them in a sexual way or by trying to have sex with them SYN abuse
- men who molest young boys.

a‧buse /əˈbjuːz/ ●●○ verb [transitive]   
1 to treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually
sexually/physically abused

- She was sexually abused as a child.

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