Monday, January 21, 2019

ALB2 21/1/19

ˌall-inˈclusive adjective   
including the cost of everything in the price charged SYN all in
an all-inclusive price/package/holiday etc
 an all-inclusive vacation cruise

brace‧let /ˈbreɪslɪt/ ●●○ noun [countable]   
a band or chain that you wear around your wrist or arm as a decoration → bangle
deck chair n

win‧e‧ry /ˈwaɪnəri/ noun (plural wineries) [countable]   
a place where wine is made and stored → vineyard

care‧free /ˈkeəfriː $ ˈker-/ ●○○ adjective   
having no worries or problems
- He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood.
- a carefree attitude


steep /stiːp/ ●●○ S3 adjective (comparative steeper, superlative steepest)   
1 a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle
 The road became rocky and steep.
 a steep climb to the top
at the edge of the cliff / wall
a ride at the fair
a rollercoaster

the merry-go-round

hen party
stag party

ˈtravel ˌsickness noun [uncountable]   
when you feel ill because you are travelling in a vehicle

the sea was rough

stuff‧y /ˈstʌfi/ adjective   
1 a room or building that is stuffy does not have enough fresh air in it

 It’s getting stuffy in here – do you mind if I open the window?

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