Monday, January 16, 2012

Lost suitcase and other stories (incomplete)

This morning at six o´clock I got the train to Madrid. I was very tired because I spent all night preparing my meeting and when I got on the train, I put my suitcase in the luggage rack and I went to my seat.
The train wasn´t full and I thought about relaxing for a long time.

The train had left the station and 30 minutes after I felt asleep. Suddenly I heard the last call to get out in Chamartin. That was my station, the end of my trip. Quickly, I caught my suitcase and in the last minute I jumped out of the train.

When I arrived at the hotel I noticed that it wasn’t my suitcase.
I looked for some identification about the owner, but I didn´t find anything.
At this moment my mobile phone started ringing: I have your suitcase, said a man’s voice.
Fortunately my conference was saved.

Finally, I wasted a lot of time to calm myself down because I was terrified about this situation. I couldn´t believe what I had said. It was going to be the best day in the life of my best friend. When I decided to say it to my friend, she said to me "don´t worry about it because it is done", them I took a deep breath.

The girl said to me: "be careful with the next bend, because in that bend... I died!"

"I slowed down and drove past the bend without any problems and then I turned my eyes towards her and she had disappeared...".

I was terrified so I stopped at the nearest gas station. I told the clerk what had happened and he replied to me that he had heard the same story told by other drivers since a girl fell down the cliff of that bend with his car 5 years ago. Of course she died.
Then I thought maybe she was a ghost that warned about the danger of that bend.
When we came back home, my wife told me: Listen to me, the door of our house is open. Did you close the door this morning? I couldn’t believe it. Really, I didn’t remember if I had closed the door. My memory was very, very bad. Suddenly, we panicked.


That day Mª Luz had an important final exam at the university that she had been preparing for years. If she passed her exam she would finish her degree so she was very nervous and she couldn´t sleep the night before.

She prepared her stuff and she left the house very quickly.
When she look the first white car, she opened the door, sat down on the car and while she was fastening the seat-belt.
She looked at the driver and she realized that he wasn't her father!!!
Mª Luz said: "What are you doing in my father's car???!!!"

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