Tuesday, April 28, 2020

B1 27-28/4/20


Very important!!! This last month we are going to practise for the oral exam. Send me recordings talking about the topics we see in class (for example, describing your house), and I’ll correct them and give you feedback.


9) in a London Hotel
10) As an office

Ex. 6f
Settle (establecerse) START LIVING IN A PLACE
a) [intransitive, transitive] to go to a place where no people have lived permanently before and start to live there
- This territory was settled in the mid-1850s by German immigrants.

venue /ˈvenjuː/ ●●○ noun [countable]    
a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place
sporting/conference/concert etc venue
- The first thing to do is book a venue.

P, 235
Do overtime- hacer horas extras

Got promoted - le ascendieron (a promotion=un ascenso)
Work shifts- trabajar en turnos

Was sacked / fired- fue despedido (informal)
Was made redundant- fue despedido (formal)

Resign / quit - dimitir

Set up a business - crear un negocio
Do a course
Applied for a job online
Run a school- dirigir 

Ex. 2
Self-employed -autónomo 

free‧lance /ˈfriːlɑːns $ -læns/ ●○○ adjective, adverb    
working independently for different companies rather than being employed by one particular company
- She works freelance from home.

part-time /full-time
 in of

Loan- préstamo
Application, retirement, employment, qualification, resignation
Scientist, lawyer, musician, pharmacist, farmer, translator 

Ex. 1d
Run a busi‧ness /ˈbɪznəs/ dirigir 
mar‧a‧thon /ˈmærəθən/


I work long hours

Ex 3
I’d like to work   - I like working as a teacher
I enjoy, hate, love, don’t mind… helping
I don’t mind NOT earning…
I’m good AT listening to people /making... (prep. + ing)
To be good / bad AT something.
Taking risks... ( the verb with ing at the beginning of the sentence is similar to the Spanish infinitive->aceptar riesgos no me preocupa)
I’m happy to work here (adj. + to inf)
I’m not afraid OF managing...(prep. + ing)
Good at expressing (prep. + ing)
try to do something (to take action in order to do something that you may not be able to do)
- He tried to control his voice.
try doing something (to do or use something for a short while to discover if it is suitable, successful, enjoyable etc)
- They decided they would try living in America for a while.

It is important (for me)(to do something) to be creative

Enjoy improvising

Doing complex calculations…

I enjoy solving

I find it easy to understand… (adj. + to)

I’m able to calculate (verb+ to)

 to inf. / inf. / -ing

Prepositions + ing
I’m good at playing basketball.
I’m not afraid of flying.
I’m interested in buying a ticket for the concert
Learning English is a little difficult.
Living with children is wonderful.
Working shifts is very hard.
Verbs + ing
I enjoy, hate, love, don’t mind eating ice-cream (I like / love to eat pizza- tb se acepta)
Also - suggest, recommend, miss, feel like...

Verbs + ing or to (different meaning)
I stopped to drink water (paré para)
I stopped drinking water (dejé de)

try to do something (to take action in order to do something that you may not be able to do)
- He tried to control his voice.
try doing something (to do or use something for a short while to discover if it is suitable, successful, enjoyable etc)
-Try living with us.

Verbs + ing or to (same meaning)
- They decided they would try living in America for a while.
prefer to do something
- I prefer to wear clothes made of natural fibers.
prefer doing something
- Chantal prefers travelling by train.

Negative form
I prefer not going to the party.
I don’t mind NOT earning more money.

 to inf. 

Verbs + to

I want to go to the cinema
I don’t need to finish it today
I would like to eat some popcorn. BUT->I like eating / to eat popcorn.

Adj. + to inf

I’m happy to go to Madrid
I’m glad to see you

Purpose (para)

We need a special ticket to get in
We bought a diesel car to save petrol

Verb +  to

I promise to help you.
They decided not to play.
They helped to clean the room.

Modal verbs

She has to go home.
They need to see you.
You ought to study (should)


Modal verbs

I can’t see you.
Should, must, could, might...
You should stop now.

Make / let
This smell makes me want to cry.
You have to let her finish the exam.

Homework: p. 218 -  Grammar bank

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