Thursday, February 16, 2017

C1 15-16/2/17

How to organise your student’s outline for the oral exam (EXAMPLE):

Question: What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

March                   biography                      John Lewis
Set USA                commenting         therefore    description

Read reviews    nevertheless

Thought-prov                         heart-wrench                fast-moving

50s                                           civil rights                    Real deal            

Give it a thought                     hit a wall                       what I… the most
What’s more   Not once did…                    simply unaccept.           Rights utt ridic
Eventually       Put foot down

  1. Stonehenge should keep untouched.

  1. It’s a project based on widen the current motorway.

  1. I awfully recommend to reconsider a parallel plan.

  1. We can make the following question.

  1. Due to it will be a large amount of CO2 emissions

  1. It will revert in more money to invest in preservation.

  1. As well as reducing traffic jams there will be an increment on the visitors.

  1. Think for a better future.

  1. Guaranteeing the safeness of the place.

  1. …and if that action will be developed in an important archaeological site.

  1. That means to park the car in another area.

  1. As an environmental friendly woman…

  1. They should be voted for people in the same way we vote our politicians.

  1. Instead of catching money.

  1. If there were more investment from the government.

  1. It is vital to stop to build this tunnel.

  1. In 2 years the temperature will increased more than 2 degrees.

  1. I would like to point out my total disagree against that issue.

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