Monday, February 29, 2016

C1 29/2-1/3/16

Homework: writing activity p. 77 ex. 5 + reading p. 82 (ex. 1, 2, 3 and 4)
/ˈɪntəˌvjuː iː/

He must have an ace up his sleeve.
meteorologist /ˌmiːtɪəˈrɒlədʒɪst/
fore•cast•er, n. [countable]
weather man
premium 1 /ˈpriːmiəm/ noun
1 PAYMENT [ FINANCE ] [ C ] an amount of money you pay for insurance (= payments for an accident or illness)
How much is the monthly premium?
2 HIGH RATE [ C ] an amount or rate that is higher than average
You pay a premium for apartments in the city centre.
italics /ɪˈtælɪks/ noun [ plural ]
[ LANGUAGE ] a style of writing or printing in which the letters slope to the right
italic adjective
written in italics

That’s the pot calling the kettle black->Le dijo la sartén…

En casa de herrero cuchillo de palo-> The shoemaker son always goes barefoot.

 ecstatic /ɪkˈstætɪk/ adjective
extremely happy
ecstatically adverb

elated /ɪˈleɪtɪd/ adjective
extremely happy and excited
We were elated by/at the news.
elation /ɪˈleɪʃ ə n/ noun [ U ]

archery /ˈɑːtʃərɪ/
arch = bow
bowman  /ˈbəʊmən/
cav•al•ry /ˈkævəlri/   n. [countable],pl. -ries.
Militarya unit of troops on horseback.

Do not use KNOW when you mean become familiar with someone or something. Use GET TO KNOW instead!!!

ruth•less /ˈruθlɪs/   adj.
without pity or compassion;
merciless:a ruthless desire to win at all costs.


ilustración (movimiento cultural) Enlightenment

crush /krʌʃ/   v.
    to press or squeeze with a force that destroys or changes the shape of[~ + object]The women crushed the grapes to make wine.
    to pound into small particles[~ + object]I crushed some ice and added it to her drink.
    to (cause to) wrinkle, crease, or collapse into tiny folds: [~ + object]She crushed the paper and threw it away.[no object]This material crushes too easily to be of any use.
    to force out by pressing or squeezing[~ + object]He crushed the juice from the grapes.
    to hug or embrace tightly[~ + object]He crushed the princess in his arms.
    [~ + object] to overwhelm; destroy completely: The Rangers crushed the Islanders 10-1 last night at the arena.



victor /ˈvɪktə r / noun [ C ] formal
the person who wins a fight or competition

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