Thursday, February 25, 2016

C1 24-25/2/16

p. 88
Rebellious /rɪˈbeliəs/ adjective
refusing to obey rules because you do not like authority
a rebellious teenager

Talk /tɔːk/ noun
Word partners for talk (noun)
have a talk • a talk with sb • a talk about sth • a long / serious talk
TO A GROUP [ C ] when someone speaks to a group of people about a particular subject
Someone's coming to the school to give a talk about road safety.

Lecture 1 /ˈlektʃə r / noun [ C ]
1 TEACHING [ EDUCATION ] a formal talk given to a group of people in order to teach them about a subject
We went to a lecture on Italian art.
Do you know who's giving the lecture this afternoon?

Memorable /ˈmem ə rəbl/ adjective
If an occasion is memorable, you will remember it for a long time because it is so good.
a memorable performance
a memorable evening
memorably adverb

drought /draʊt/ noun [ C , U ]
a long period when there is no rain and people do not have enough water
A severe drought ruined the crops.


climate /ˈklaɪmət/ noun
Word partners for climate
create a climate of [fear/trust, etc] • in a climate • in the current / in the present climate • the political / social climate
1 WEATHER [ ENVIRONMENT , GEOGRAPHY ] [ C , U ] the weather conditions that an area usually has
a hot, dry climate

plague /pleɪg/ noun [ C ]
1 [ HEALTH ] a serious disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
2 a plague of sth
a large number of something unpleasant that causes a lot of damage
a plague of rats

hemisphere /ˈhemɪsfɪər/ noun [ C ]
[ GEOGRAPHY ] one half of the Earth
birds of the northern hemisphere


varnish  /ˈvɑːnɪʃ/ noun [ C , U ]
a clear liquid that you paint onto wood to protect it and make it shine


Morpeth Floods BBC Inside Out
Hail Stones
Diff lock

dry (sth) out phrasal verb to become dry, or to make something become dry

catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/ noun [ C , U ]
an extremely bad event that causes a lot of suffering or destruction
After the drought, the country is facing environmental catastrophe.

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