Wednesday, May 13, 2015

ni2 13-14/5/15

hypochondriac /ˌhaɪpəˈkɒndriæk/ noun [ C ]
someone who worries about their health more than is normal, although they are not really ill
hypochondria /ˌhaɪpəʊˈkɒndriə/ noun [ U ]

well-being /ˈwelˌbiːɪŋ/ noun [ U ]
when someone is healthy, happy, and comfortable

painkiller /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə r / noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] a drug which reduces pain

chemotherapy /ˌkiːməʊˈθerəpi/ ( also chemo ) noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] the treatment of a disease using chemicals
Chemotherapy is often used to treat cancer.

radiotherapy /ˌreɪdiəʊˈθerəpi/ noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] the use of controlled amounts of radiation to treat disease

check-up /ˈtʃekʌp/ noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] a general medical examination to see if you are healthy
I'm going to the doctor for a check-up.

mucus /ˈmjuːkəs/ noun [ U ]
[ BIOLOGY ] a thick liquid produced inside the nose and other parts of the body

snot /snɒt/ noun [ U ] informal
the thick liquid that is produced in your nose

blow your nose
pick your nose

cough 2 /kɒf/ noun [ C ]
1 SOUND/ACTION [ HEALTH ] when you cough, or the sound this makes
2 ILLNESS [ HEALTH ] an illness that makes you cough a lot
Uwe has a nasty cough .

runny nose
[ HEALTH ] If you have a runny nose, your nose is producing liquid all the time.

To be on aˈ sick ˌ leave noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] when you are away from your work because you are ill

labour 1 UK ( US labor ) /ˈleɪbə r / noun
BIRTH [ HEALTH ] [ C , U ] the stage of pregnancy when a woman has pain in the lower part of her body because the baby is coming out
to be in labour / go into labour
labour pains

due 1 /djuː/ adjective
1 EVENT [ never before noun ] expected or planned
[ + to do sth ] He was due to fly back this morning.
Her book is due out (= expected to be published) next week.
When is the baby due (= expected to be born) ?

birth /bɜːθ/ noun
1 give birth
When a woman or an animal gives birth, she produces a baby from her body.
She gave birth to twins.

allergy /ˈælədʒi/ noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] a medical condition in which your body reacts badly to something that you eat, breathe, or touch
Suffer from an  allergy
an allergy to dogs

ˈ hay ˌ fever noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] an illness caused by a bad reaction to plants that some people get in the summer, especially affecting the nose and eyes

lead a busy/normal/quiet/healthy, etc life
to live in a particular way
He was able to lead a normal life despite his illness.

ˈ couch po ˌ tato noun [ C ] UK humorous
a person who is not active and spends a lot of time watching television

injury /ˈɪndʒ ə ri/ noun [ C , U ]
Word partners for injury
a fatal / major / minor / serious injury • cause / prevent / receive / recover from / suffer an injury • an injury to sth
damage to someone's body in an accident or attack
head injuries
The passenger in the car escaped with minor injuries .
See also: add insult to injury

illness /ˈɪlnəs/ noun
Word partners for illness
cause / develop / have / recover from / treat an illness • a critical / minor / rare / serious / terminal illness
1 DISEASE [ HEALTH ] [ C ] a disease of the body or mind
a serious/terminal illness
He died at the age of 83 after a long illness.
2 BEING ILL [ HEALTH ] [ U ] when you are ill
Unfortunately I couldn't go because of illness.

upset 1 /ʌpˈset/ adjective
1 unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened
They'd had an argument and she was still upset about it.
Mike got very upset when I told him the news.
2 upset stomach/tummy
[ HEALTH ] an illness in the stomach

arthritis /ɑːˈθraɪtɪs/ noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] an illness which causes the parts of the body where bones meet to become painful and often big
arthritic /ɑːˈθrɪtɪk/ adjective
an arthritic hip/knee

heart‧burn [uncountable]
an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by acid from your stomach [↪ indigestion]

upset stomach
an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick

hangover /ˈhæŋəʊvə r / noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] If you have a hangover, you feel ill because you drank too much alcohol the evening before.

be/feel under the weather->  to feel ill

plaster 1 /ˈplɑːstə r / noun
2 FOR CUTS [ HEALTH ] [ C ] UK ( US Band-Aid trademark ) a small piece of sticky material that you put on cuts on your body
3 be in plaster
[ HEALTH ] UK ( US be in a cast ) If your arm or leg is in plaster, it is covered in a hard, white substance to protect a broken bone.
She had her leg in plaster for three months after the accident.

stitch 1 /stɪtʃ/ noun
2 WOUND [ HEALTH ] [ C ] one of the small pieces of thread that is used to sew together a cut
She needed 50 stitches in her head.
4 PAIN [ HEALTH ] [ no plural ] a sudden pain that you get in the side of your body when you exercise too much
to get a stitch

diarrhoea UK ( US diarrhea ) /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/ noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] an illness in which your solid waste is more liquid than usual, and comes out of your body more often

asthma /ˈæsmə/ noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] an illness which makes it difficult to breathe
She had an asthma attack.
asthmatic /æsˈmætɪk/ adjective
an asthmatic child

breath in/out

vaccine /ˈvæksiːn/ noun [ C , U ]
[ HEALTH ] a substance that is given to people to sto them from getting a particular disease
GP /ˌdʒiːˈpiː/ noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] abbreviation for general practitioner: a doctor who sees people in the local area and treats illnesses that do not need a hospital visit
If the fever and sore throat continue, go and see your GP.

The nurse gave me a tetanus injection.
The children hate having injections.

sling 1 /slɪŋ/ noun [ C ]
1 ARM [ HEALTH ] a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck and put your arm into to support it when it is injured
2 CARRY a piece of cloth or a strap that you tie around your body to carry things in
She had her baby in a sling.

faint 2 /feɪnt/ verb [ I ]
[ HEALTH ] to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down onto the floor
She fainted with exhaustion.

pass out phrasal verb[HEALTH]
to become unconscious
I don't remember any more because I passed out at that point.

an‧al‧ge‧sic [countable]
technical a drug that reduces pain [= painkiller]:
Aspirin is a popular analgesic.

Dad bod
Someone who has the body of a dad
"Nick Taylor, you have a dad bod!"

rash 1 /ræʃ/ noun
1 [ HEALTH ] [ C ] a group of small, red spots on the skin
an itchy rash
Certain foods give him a rash.

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