Monday, December 15, 2014

ni2 15-16/12/14

Homework: p.50 reading activity.

Make do
To manage with the things that you have, even though this is not really enough:
I hardly had any food in the house so I just had to make do.

Supportive /səˈpɔːtɪv/ adjective
Giving help or encouragement

A very supportive friend 

Cope /kəʊp/ verb [ I ]
To deal quite successfully with a difficult situation
How do you cope with stress?

Struggle 1 /ˈstrʌgl/ verb [ I ]
1 TRY to try very hard to do something difficult
[ + to do sth ] He's struggling to pay off his debts.
2 FIGHT to fight someone when they are holding you
She struggled but couldn't break free.
struggle on phrasal verb
to continue doing something that is difficult

I didn’t have enough time.
The number of right answers you needed to get a pass was too high.
I had more negative answers than positive ones.
Said to me.
Handed in.
A heavy workload.
at univ
Just one week to go until the deadline
Just one week to meet the deadline

ˌ public ˈ school ( US ˈ public ˌ school ) noun [ C ]
1 PAY [ EDUCATION ] in the UK, a school that you pay to go to
2 FREE [ EDUCATION ] ( UK state school ) in the US, a school that is free to go to because the government provides the money for it

ˌ state ˈ school UK ( US public school ) noun [ C ]
[ EDUCATION ] a school that is free to go to because the government provides the money for it

ˈ boarding ˌ school noun [ C ]
[ EDUCATION ] a school where students live and study


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