Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ni2 10-11/12/14

scuba diving /ˈskuːbəˌdaɪvɪŋ/ noun [ U ]
[ SPORT ] a sport in which you swim under water using special equipment for breathing

snorkel 2 /ˈsnɔːk ə l/ verb [ I ] UK present participle snorkelling , past snorkelled , US present participle snorkeling , past snorkeled
[ SPORT ] to swim using a snorkel

Botiquín (de primeros auxilios) first-aid kit

voluntary /ˈvɒlənt ə ri/ adjective
1 WORK Voluntary work is done without being paid and usually involves helping people.
She does voluntary work for the Red Cross.
voluntary organizations
2 NOT FORCED done or given because you want to and not because you have been forced to
voluntary contributions
The opposite is involuntary
voluntarily /ˌvɒlənˈteərəli/ adverb
She left voluntarily.

seminar /ˈsemɪnɑː r / noun [ C ]
[ EDUCATION ] a meeting of a group of people with a teacher or expert for training, discussion, or study of a subject

tutor /ˈtjuːtə r / noun [ C ]
1 TEACHER [ EDUCATION ] someone who teaches one person or a very small group of people
a private tutor
2 UNIVERSITY TEACHER [ EDUCATION ] UK a university teacher who is responsible for a small group of students
tutor verb [ T ]

workload /ˈwɜːkləʊd/ noun [ C ]
the amount of work that you have to do
Nurses have a very heavy workload (= they work hard) .

proper /ˈprɒpə r / adjective
1 CORRECT [ always before noun ] correct or suitable
the proper way to do something
Please put those books back in the proper place .
2 REAL [ always before noun ] mainly UK real and satisfactory
his first proper job
You should eat some proper food instead of just sweets.
3 ACCEPTABLE socially acceptable
It's not proper to interrupt someone when they're speaking.
4 MAIN [ always after noun ] referring to the main or most important part of something
I live outside Cambridge - I don't live in the city proper. 

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