Monday, October 13, 2014

ni2 13-14/10/14

Homework: reading, p.16

hug 1 /hʌg/ verb present participle hugging , past hugged
1 HOLD SOMEONE [ I , T ] to put your arms around someone and hold them tightly, usually because you love them
They hugged and kissed each other.
2 BE CLOSE [ T ] to stay very close to the edge of something
The road hugs the coast for several miles.

supportive /səˈpɔːtɪv/ adjective
giving help or encouragement
a very supportive friend

bored /bɔːd/
scary /ˈskeəri/
scared /skeəd/

intrigue (ed-ing)
fulfil (ed-ing)
threaten (ed-ing)

Work long hours

Sort of: informal, used to describe a situation approximately
It's a sort of pale orange colour.

Fancy 1 /ˈfænsi/ verb [ T ]
1 WANT UK to want to have or do something
Do you fancy a drink?
[ + doing sth ] We fancy going to the Caribbean for our holiday.
2 PERSON UK informal to feel sexually attracted to someone
I fancied him the first time I saw him.
3 fancy (that)!
UK informal used to show that you are surprised or shocked by something
[ + doing sth ] Fancy seeing you here!
He's going out with Marie? Well fancy that !

Make it:
ARRIVE to manage to arrive at a place
Will we make it in time for the film?
Arriving, entering and invadingmake it
SUCCEED to be successful
Very few actors actually make it.

rubbish 1 /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ noun [ U ] mainly UK
1 WASTE things that you throw away because you do not want them
Our rubbish gets collected on Thursdays.
a rubbish dump/bin
2 NONSENSE something that is nonsense or wrong
Ignore him, he's talking rubbish.
3 BAD QUALITY informal something that is of bad quality

There's so much rubbish on TV. 

distant /ˈdɪst ə nt/ adjective
3 NOT FRIENDLY [ never before noun ] not friendly
She seemed cold and distant.
distantly adverb
distantly related

sweet 1 /swiːt/ adjective
1 TASTE [ FOOD ] with a taste like sugar
It was covered in a very sweet chocolate sauce.
2 ATTRACTIVE attractive, often because of being small
Look at that kitten - isn't she sweet?
3 KIND kind and friendly
It was really sweet of you to come.

loving /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ adjective
showing a lot of affection and kindness towards someone
a loving relationship
a loving father
lovingly adverb

affectionate /əˈfekʃ ə nət/ adjective
showing that you like or love someone
an affectionate little girl
He's very affectionate.
affectionately adverb


sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθi/ noun [ U ]
Word partners for sympathy
have / express / feel [every/little/no, etc] sympathy for sb • look for sympathy • deep / great / heartfelt sympathy • words of sympathy
1 PROBLEMS when you show that you understand and care about someone's problems
I have no sympathy for people who say they can't find work but are really just too lazy to look.
It's not money she wants, it's just a little sympathy.

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