Monday, April 07, 2014

ni2 7-8/4/14

Write a review (p. 134/135 for extra tips) of over 200 words about any film you’ve seen lately…

Trust 1 /trʌst/ verb
1 [ T ] to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you
My sister warned me not to trust him.
The opposite is distrust , mistrust
2 trust sb to do sth
To be sure that someone will do the right thing or what they should do
I trust them to make the right decision.
3 trust sb with sb/sth
to allow someone to look after someone or something because you believe they will be careful
I wouldn't trust him with my car.
4 Trust sb (to do sth)!
Mainly UK informal used to say that it is typical of someone to do something stupid
Trust Chris to leave the tickets at home!
5 I trust (that)
Formal used to say that you hope something is true
I trust that you had an enjoyable stay.

rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ verb
Rely on sb/sth phrasal verb
1 NEED to need someone or something in order to be successful, work correctly, etc
Families rely more on wives' earnings than before.
2 TRUST to trust someone or something
[ + to do sth ] I know I can rely on you to help me.

Uplifting /ʌpˈlɪftɪŋ/ adjective
making you feel happy and full of good feelings
An uplifting film

Gripping /ˈgrɪpɪŋ/ adjective
If something is gripping, it is so interesting that it holds your attention completely.
A gripping story

superb /suːˈpɜːb/ adjective
a superb performance/restaurant
superbly /suːˈpɜːblɪ/ adverb

contestant /kənˈtest ə nt/ noun [ C ]
someone who competes in a contest

thoroughly θʌrəli/ adverb
1 CAREFULLY very carefully
Wash the spinach thoroughly before cooking.
2 VERY very, or very much
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Throughout /θruˈaʊt/ adverb preposition
1 EVERYWHERE in every part of a place
The same laws apply throughout much of Europe.
The house was painted pink throughout.
2 DURING during the whole of a period of time
He yawned throughout the performance.
We spent a week in London and it rained throughout.

Spoiler: surprise
a message or report that is intended to ruin the surprising part of a popular film, book etc by telling people about the surprise before they see or read it

Scarecrow /ˈskeəkrəʊ/ noun [ C ]
[ FARMING ] a model of a person that is put in a field to frighten birds and stop them from eating the plants

disabled /dɪˈseɪbld/ adjective
[ HEALTH ] having an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult to do the things that other people do

They are demanding equal rights for the disabled

star 2 /stɑː r / verb [ I , T ] present participle starring , past starred
If a film, play, etc stars someone, or if someone stars in a film, play, etc, they are the main person in it.
a film starring Meg Ryan
Tom Hanks starred in 'Sleepless in Seattle'.
See also: co-star

This is an uplifting film (who is) directed by and  (who stars) starring R.V.
This is a film starring R.V.
This is a film starred by R.V.

particularly /pəˈtɪkjələli/ adverb
She didn't seem particularly interested.
"Was the food good?" " Not particularly ."

fascinating /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ adjective
extremely interesting
I found the movie fascinating.

documentary /ˌdɒkjəˈment ə ri/ noun [ C ]
a film or television programme that gives facts about a real situation or real people
a TV documentary about the Russian Revolution

exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ adjective
making you feel very happy and enthusiastic
an exciting football match
You're going to Africa? How exciting!

scene /siːn/ noun
1 PART OF FILM [ LITERATURE ] [ C ] a short part of a film, play, or book in which the events happen in one place
a love scene
the final scene
2 VIEW [ C ] a view or picture of a place, event, or activity
scenes of everyday life
3 PLACE [ C ] a place where an unpleasant event has happened
the scene of the crime
The police soon arrived at the scene.
4 the club/gay/music, etc scene
all the things connected with a particular way of life or activity
5 ARGUMENT [ C ] when people have a loud argument or show strong emotions in a public place
[ usually singular ] She made a scene when I told her she couldn't come with us.
6 behind the scenes
If something happens behind the scenes, it happens secretly.
7 set the scene for sth
to make an event or situation possible or likely to happen

laugh /lɑːf/

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