Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ni2 26-27/2/14

fussy /ˈfʌsi/ adjective
1 NOT LIKING only liking particular things and very difficult to please
She's a very fussy eater.
2 CAREFUL too careful about unimportant details
3 TOO COMPLICATED If something is fussy, it is too complicated in design and has too many details.

Picky /ˈpɪki/ adjective
informal Someone who is picky does not like many things.
A picky eater
He's very picky about his clothes.

Grill 2 /grɪl/ verb [ T ]
1 COOK [ FOOD ] ( also US broil ) to cook food using direct heat
Grill the fish for 2 to 3 minutes on each side.
See picture cook
2 QUESTION to ask someone questions continuously and for a long time
I was grilled by the police for two days.

roast 1 /rəʊst/ verb [ I , T ]
[ FOOD ] If you roast food, you cook it in an oven or over a fire, and if food roasts, it is cooked in an oven or over a fire.
Roast the lamb in a hot oven for 35 minutes.
See picture cook
roast adjective [ always before noun ]
roast beef/pork

bake /beɪk/ verb [ I , T ]
[ FOOD ] to cook something such as bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven
a baked apple
See pictures cook , kitchen objects

Grate 1 /greɪt/ verb
1 FOOD [ FOOD ] [ T ] to break food such as cheese into small, thin pieces by rubbing it against a grater (= kitchen tool with holes)
grated cheese/carrot
2 NOISE [ I ] to make an unpleasant noise when rubbing against something
The chair grated against the floor.
grate on sb/sth phrasal verb
If someone's voice or behaviour grates on you, it annoys you.
Her voice really grates on me.

stir-fry /ˈstɜːˌfraɪ/ verb [ T ]
[ FOOD ] to fry small pieces of vegetable, meat, etc very quickly while mixing them around
stir-fry noun [ C ]

marinate /ˈmærɪneɪt/ ( also marinade /ˌmærɪˈneɪd/ ) verb [ T ]
[ FOOD ] to add a mixture of oil, wine, herbs, etc to food before cooking it
marinade /ˌmærɪˈneɪd/ noun [ C , U ]

Spicy /ˈspaɪsi/ adjective
[ FOOD ] containing strong flavours from spice
spicy food
a spicy sauce

fattening /ˈfæt ə nɪŋ/ adjective
Fattening food can make you fat.
I don't eat chips, they're too fattening.

bland /blænd/ adjective
1 BORING not interesting or exciting
bland statements
2 NO TASTE [ FOOD ] If food is bland, it does not have much taste.

Disgusting /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ/ adjective
extremely unpleasant
What's that disgusting smell?

spice 1 /spaɪs/ noun
1 FOOD [ FOOD ] [ C , U ] a substance made from a plant, which is used to give a special taste to food
herbs and spices
2 EXCITEMENT [ U ] something that makes something else more exciting
A scandal or two adds a little spice to office life.

filling 1 /ˈfɪlɪŋ/ noun
1 FOOD [ C , U ] food that is put inside things such as cakes, pastry, pieces of bread, etc
What sort of filling do you want in your sandwich?
See picture filling
2 TEETH [ HEALTH ] [ C ] a hard substance that fills a hole in a tooth
See picture filling

squid /skwɪd/ noun [ C ] plural squid
a sea creature with a long body and ten long arms

croqueta nf (comida con bechamel) croquette n

caldo nm    (sopa con carne, verdura, alubias…)      broth, bouillon, consommé n
      En invierto me encanta tomar una taza de caldo de verduras para cenar.

ˈ whole ˌ wheat ( also UK wholemeal ) adjective
[ FOOD ] made using whole grains, or made from flour that contains whole grains
whole wheat bread/flour

smoked salmon/bacon/sausage etc
fish, meat etc that has been left in smoke to give it a special taste

coal /kəʊl/ noun
1 [ GEOLOGY ] [ U ] a hard, black substance that is dug from under the ground and burnt as fuel
a lump of coal
2 coals
pieces of coal, usually burning

slice 1 /slaɪs/ noun
1 [ C ] a flat piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece
a slice of bread/cake/meat
See picture quantities-1
2 a slice of sth
a part of something that is being divided
a large slice of the profits
See also: fish slice

slice 1 /slaɪs/ noun
1 [ C ] a flat piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece
a slice of bread/cake/meat
See picture quantities-1
2 a slice of sth
a part of something that is being divided
a large slice of the profits
See also: fish slice

ˌ saturated ˈ fat noun [ C , U ]
[ CHEMISTRY , FOOD ] a fat found in meat, milk, and eggs, which is thought to be bad for your health
Compare unsaturated fat

greasy /ˈgriːsi/ adjective
containing or covered with fat or oil
greasy food/fingers

bland /blænd/ adjective
1 BORING not interesting or exciting
bland statements
2 NO TASTE [ FOOD ] If food is bland, it does not have much taste.

FOOD informal (full up adj, at full adj also UK full up) having eaten enough foodNo more for me, thanks, I'm full.

Stuffed turkey

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