Wednesday, January 15, 2014

ni2 15-16/1/14

Homework: Grammar p. 49 and reading p. 50-51 (A+B and C)

excursion /ɪkˈskɜːʒ ə n/ noun [ C ]
a short journey made by a group of people for pleasure
We've booked to go on an excursion to Pompeii.

Word partners for trip
go on / take a trip • a day / two-day / weekend trip • on a trip • a trip around / to sth • a business trip • a field trip (school)

A horse of a different colour -> It’s sth else completely or it’s a different story.

decide on sth/sb   phrasal verb
to choose something or someone after thinking carefully
I've decided on blue walls for the bathroom.

Struggle 1 /ˈstrʌgl/ verb [ I ]
1 TRY to try very hard to do something difficult
[+ to do sth] He's struggling to pay off his debts.
2 FIGHT to fight someone when they are holding you
She struggled but couldn't break free.
Struggle on phrasal verb
To continue doing something that is difficult

Cope /kəʊp/ verb [ I ]
To deal quite successfully with a difficult situation
How do you cope with stress?

Hard feelings
a) Anger between people because of something that has happened:
We'd known each other too long for hard feelings.
I have no hard feelings towards Steve.

Once/When/After they call me; we’ll go to the party.
Once/When/After I’ve finished my exam; I’ll go out to celebrate.

FOR EMPHASIS used to emphasize a quality of someone or somethingShe's such a nice person.It's such a shame that he's leaving.

knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/ adjective
knowing a lot
He's very knowledgeable about art.

REAL [always before noun] mainly UK real and satisfactory
His first proper job

You should eat some proper food instead of just sweets.

pull somebody's leg
to tell someone something that is not true, as a joke:
I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg.

pic‧nic [countable]
1 if you have a picnic, you take food and eat it outdoors, especially in the country:
We decided to have a picnic down by the lake.
go on/for a picnic
We could go on a picnic today.
a picnic table
There is free parking for visitors, as well as a restaurant and picnic area (=a special area with tables where people can have a picnic).

Vocational /vəʊˈkeɪʃənəl/ adjective
[ EDUCATION ] Vocational education and skills prepare you for a particular type of work.
The college offers both vocational and academic courses.
Vocational Training = FP

par‧a‧ple‧gic [countable]
someone who is unable to move the lower part of their body, including their legs [↪ paralysed]
—paraplegic adjective

Engaging /ɪnˈgeɪdʒɪŋ/ adjective
Pleasant, interesting, or attractive
She has a very engaging personality.

public school [countable]
1 in Britain, a private school for children aged between 13 and 18, whose parents pay for their education. The children often live at the school while they are studying [↪ state school]

Boarding school [countable]
A school where students live as well as study

Workload /ˈwɜːkləʊd/ noun [ C ]
The amount of work that you have to do
Nurses have a very heavy workload (= they work hard).

Cheat sheet / crib sheet (chuleta de examen).

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