Monday, March 11, 2013

nb1 11-12/3/13

Homework: grammarbank 7A (a + b) p. 137 & p.53 ex. 3 (reading)

century /ˈsentʆəri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ries)
the 21st century
el siglo XXI

daily /ˈdeɪli/ UK  US  adjetivo &  adverbio
 •  adjetivo
diario -a, cotidiano -a
daily life
la vida cotidiana/diaria
a daily paper
un diario

Henry VIII (the eighth)

Be in love with (I’m in love with you)

against /əˈgenst/ UK  US  preposición
1 (expresando oposición) en contra de, contra
He voted against the motion.
Votó en contra de la moción.
I had to swim against the current.
Tuve que nadar contra la corriente.
Who are we playing against on Saturday?
¿Contra quién jugamos el sábado?

I am – was
You are –were
He is – was
We are – were
They are - were

I was (wasn’t) a student at that school.
We were (weren’t) in Rome in the summer.

Were you a student...?
Were you in Rome...?

I’m – I was (we can’t contract it)

weren't /wɜːnt/ UK  US   contracción de were not

ill /ɪl/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 to be ill estar enfermo -a
to feel ill sentirse mal
to fall ill también to be taken ill BrE enfermar

born /bɔːn/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 to be born nacer
I was born on Christmas Day.
Nací el día de Navidad.

singer /ˈsɪŋə/ UK  US  sustantivo

He was  a singer.
He was American.
He was the king of pop.
He was black first.
He was with the Jackson Five.
= Michael Jackson

journey /ˈdʒɜːni/ UK  US  sustantivo
to go on a journey ir de viaje, hacer un viaje

satnav- satellite navigator

His house was in the north of Spain

where /weə/ UK  US  adverbio, pronombre & conjunción
Where did you buy it?
¿Dónde lo has comprado?

were /wə, acentuado wɜː/ UK  US   pasado de be

was /wəz, acentuado wɒz/ UK  US   pasado de be

I’m hungry.
I was hungry.

He’s not tired.
He wasn’t tired.

Are you thirsty?
Were you thirsty?

When were you born?

Where were you born?

director /dɪˈrektə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (de una empresa, una organización, etc.) director -a
2 (de una obra, una película) director -a

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