Monday, December 16, 2019

C2 16/12/19

Today's cass

Christmas in the US with Kris

tops /tɒps $ tɑːps/ adverb spoken informal   
1 at the most
- It should take two hours tops.
2 the best or most popular
- The store was voted tops for its outstanding facilities for children.

How to have a British Christmas?

postage /ˈpəʊstɪdʒ $ ˈpoʊs-/ noun [uncountable]   
the money charged for sending a letter, package etc by post
- How much is the postage for a postcard?

Because you can see right through him.
see through phrasal verb
1 see through somebody/something to realize that someone is trying to deceive you
- I saw through his excuses.

good riddance (to somebody)
spoken a rude way of saying you are glad someone has left
- She was awful. Good riddance to her, I say!

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