Tuesday, May 24, 2016

C1 23-24/5/16

Homework: reading activities p. 142 and147.

p. 141
make the most of sth
to take full advantage of something because it may not last long
We should make the most of this good weather.

Deciduous /dɪˈsɪdjuəs/ adjective
[ BIOLOGY ] A deciduous tree has leaves that drop off every autumn.

Salt marshes
Saltworks, saline /ˈseɪlaɪn/ /ˈseɪliːn/ adjective formal
[ CHEMISTRY ] containing salt
saline solution

bump /bʌmp/ noun [ C ]
1 SURFACE a round, raised area on a surface
My bike hit a bump in the road.
2 BODY a raised area on your body where it has been hurt by hitting something hard
A nasty bump on the head
3 MOVEMENT when something hits something hard
I heard a bump upstairs.

flick /flɪk/ noun [ C ]
a sudden, quick movement
With a flick of her wrist, she threw the pebble into the water.

Evergreen /ˈevəgriːn/ adjective
[ BIOLOGY ] An evergreen plant has green leaves that do not fall off in winter.
Evergreen noun [ C ]
A plant with leaves that do not fall off in winter

stretch of   
[British English] a beautiful stretch of countryside
length of land/water [countable]      an area of land or water, especially one that is long and narrow

urban /ˈɜːbən/

quaint /kweɪnt/
English definition | in French | conjugator |
quaint adj   (old-fashioned but charming) pintoresco/a adj
evocador/a adj

bleak /bliːk/adj (empty, stark)
desalentador/a adj
deprimente adj mf
sombrío/a adj
oscuro/a adj

sparse /spɑːs/adj    (with few over area) escaso/a adj disperso/a adj

scarce comparative scarcer, superlative scarcest
1 if something is scarce, there is not very much of it available:
Food was often scarce in the winter.
There was fierce competition for the scarce resources.

Monotonous, cloudless...

snow-capped literary
snow-capped mountains are covered in snow at the top

rustic /ˈrʌstɪk/

rolling [only before noun]
rolling hills have many long, gentle slopes

1 plants that are lush grow many leaves and look healthy and strong:
a lush green mountainous island
The fields were lush with grass and flowers.

idyllic /ɪˈdɪlɪk/, medieval /ˌmɛdɪˈiːvəl/ towns

chocolate box vista

expanse [countable]
a very large area of water, sky, land etc
expanse of
an expanse of blue sky
vast/wide/large etc expanse
the vast expanse of the ocean

blot [countable]
1 a mark or dirty spot on something, especially made by ink:
ink blots
2 a building, structure etc that is ugly and spoils the appearance of a place:
The new power station is a blot on the landscape.

mind you
also mind British English used when saying something that is almost the opposite of what you have just said, or that explains or emphasizes it:
He looks very young in this photo. Mind you, it was taken years ago.
I love hot weather, but not too hot, mind.

Go in for sth phrasal verb
To like a particular activity
I don't really go in for sports.

belly /ˈbeli/ noun [ C ] informal
your stomach (= organ where food is digested) , or the front part of your body between your chest and your legs

figure sth/sb out phrasal verb
to finally understand something or someone after a lot of thought [+ question word]
I never could figure out what she saw in him.

prenatal  /priːˈneɪtəl/

lager /ˈlɑːgə r / noun [ C , U ]
[ FOOD ] a pale yellow beer
A pint of lager, please.

Mesmerising-> astonishing

yuck /jʌk/ exclamation informal
used to say that something looks or tastes very unpleasant

Stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/ noun [ U ]
Word partners for stamina
Have stamina • build up / improve / increase stamina • mental / physical stamina • stamina for sth • a test of stamina
[ HEALTH ] the physical or mental energy that allows you to do something for a long time
Marathon runners need a lot of stamina.

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