Thursday, November 19, 2015

C1 18-19/11/15

 pee /piː/ verb [ I ] present participle peeing , past peed informal
to urinate
pee noun [ no plural ] informal
Do I have time for a pee before we go?


Wee 1 /wiː/ noun [ no plural ] mainly UK informal
When you urinate
To have a wee
I need a wee.
Wee verb [ I ] present participle weeing , past weed

Have a leak

Scaffolding /ˈskæf ə ldɪŋ/ noun [ U ]
A temporary structure made of flat boards and metal poles used to work on a tall building
to erect scaffolding

p. 38, ex. 8

ˈ Cash ma ˌ chine ( also UK cashpoint ) noun [ C ]
[FINANCE] a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, that you can get money from using a plastic card

ATM /ˌeɪtiːˈem/ noun [ C ] mainly US
[FINANCE] abbreviation for automated teller machine: a machine that you get money from using a plastic card

Bankrupt 1 /ˈbæŋkrʌpt/ adjective
[FINANCE] unable to continue in business because you cannot pay your debts
He went bankrupt after only a year in business.

Walk on thin ice

I’m not studying much for my competitive exam, so the writing is on the wall for me.

The check-up didn’t show anything good, so, I’m afraid the writing’s on the wall for me.

Eavesdrop /ˈiːvzdrɒp/ verb [ I ] present participle eavesdropping , past eavesdropped
To secretly listen to a conversation
He stood outside the door eavesdropping on their conversation.
eavesdropper noun [ C ]

wall /wɔːl/ noun [ C ]
drive sb up the wall informal
to make someone very angry
She drives me up the wall.

fly on the wall
If you say that you would like to be a fly on the wall in a certain situation, you mean that you would like to be there secretly to see and hear what happens.

Be banging your head against a brick wall
to do, say, or ask for something repeatedly but to be unable to change a situation
I keep asking her not to park there, but it's like banging my head against a brick wall.

Ex. 10
incisor /ɪnˈsaɪzə r / noun [ C ]
[ ANATOMY ] one of the sharp teeth at the front of the mouth which cut food when you bite into it
canine 2 /ˈkeɪnaɪn/ noun [ C ]
[ ANATOMY ] one of four pointed teeth in a person's mouth
molar 1 /ˈməʊlə r / noun [ C ]
[ ANATOMY ] one of the large teeth at the back of the mouth used for crushing food
ˈ wisdom ˌ tooth noun [ C ] plural wisdom teeth
[ ANATOMY ] one of the four teeth at the back of your mouth that are the last to grow

tooth /tuːθ/ noun [ C ] plural teeth
Word partners for tooth
brush / clean your teeth • your back / front teeth • have a tooth removed / taken out • a set of teeth
1 MOUTH [ ANATOMY ] one of the hard, white objects in your mouth that you use for biting and crushing food
You should brush your teeth twice a day.

surgery /ˈsɜːdʒ ə ri/ noun
1 TREATMENT [ HEALTH ] [ U ] when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something
to have surgery
heart/knee surgery
2 PLACE [ HEALTH ] [ C ] UK a place where doctors or other medical workers treat people

open-plan /ˌəʊp ə nˈplæn/ adjective
describes a room or a building without many walls
an open-plan office

Every now and then/every so often
Sometimes, but not often
We still meet up every now and then.

gum 1 /gʌm/ noun
1 MOUTH [ ANATOMY ] [ C ] the hard, pink part inside your mouth that your teeth grow out of
[ usually plural ] Protect your teeth and gums by visiting your dentist regularly.
gum disease

drill 1 /drɪl/ noun
1 TOOL [ C ] a tool or machine for making holes in a hard substance
an electric drill

anesthetic /ˌænəsˈθetɪk/ noun [ C , U ]
[ HEALTH ] US spelling of anaesthetic (= a drug that makes you unable to feel pain during an operation)
anesthetist /əˈnesθətɪst/ noun [ C ]
[ HEALTH ] US spelling of anaesthetist (= a doctor who gives anaesthetics to people)

vertigo /ˈvɜːtɪgəʊ/ noun [ U ]
when you feel slightly ill because you are in a high place and feel as if you might fall

sadistic /səˈdɪstɪk/ adjective
getting pleasure from being cruel or violent
sadistic behaviour
a sadistic murderer
sadist /ˈseɪdɪst/ noun [ C ]
someone who gets pleasure from being cruel or violent
sadism /ˈseɪdɪz ə m/ noun [ U ]

The little horror shop
(I’m a) dentist

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