Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ni2 9-10/3/15

Itchy scratchy

stroke  /strəʊk/ verb [ T ]
to gently move your hand over a surface
to stroke a cat/dog
He stroked her hair.

puppy /ˈpʌpi/ noun [ C ]
a young dog
a litter of puppies

cockroach /ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ/ noun [ C ]
a large, brown or black insect that can live in houses and places where food is prepared

cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/ noun
2 INSECT [ C ] an insect that jumps and makes a noise by rubbing its wings together

furry /ˈfɜːri/ adjective
covered with fur or with something that feels like fur

fur /fɜː r / noun
1 HAIR [ BIOLOGY ] [ U ] the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals like cats and rabbits
2 CLOTHES [ C , U ] the skin of an animal covered in thick hair and used for making clothes, or a piece of clothing made from this
fake fur
a fur coat/hat

peacock /ˈpiːkɒk/ noun [ C ]
a large, male bird with long tail feathers that it can lift up to show a lot of colours

dove 1 /dʌv/ noun [ C ]
a white bird, sometimes used as a symbol of peace

pigeon /ˈpɪdʒən/ noun [ C ]
a grey bird which often lives on buildings in towns

fin /fɪn/ noun [ C ]
[ BIOLOGY ] a thin, triangular part on a fish, which helps it to swim

mouse /maʊs/ noun [ C ] plural mice

rodent /ˈrəʊd ə nt/ noun [ C ]
an animal with long, sharp teeth, such as a mouse or rabbit

I haven’t gone through any bad experience with animals

reptile /ˈreptaɪl/ noun [ C ]
[ BIOLOGY ] an animal whose body is covered with scales (= pieces of hard skin) , and whose blood changes temperature, for example a snake

laugh/shout/scream, etc your head off
to laugh/shout/scream, etc very much and very loudly

lizard, tortoise, turtle, crocodile, eagle, vulture, stork (cigueña), owl, hawk – falcon, boar, hedgehog, seal, mole, grasshopper, hare, crow, deer, wolf-wolves, squirrel…

chipmunk.- ardilla listada
morena.- moray, moray eel n
cienpie.- centipede

chase 1 /tʃeɪs/ verb
1 CATCH [ I , T ] to run after someone or something in order to catch them
The dog was chasing a rabbit.
See picture chase
2 chase sb/sth away/off/out, etc
to run after a person or animal to make them leave a place
I chased the cat away.

Sorry for
Sympathetic /concerned about

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