Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ni2 26-27/3/14

Homework: developing conversations, p. 71 (A) + Reading, p. 72/73 (E)

[countable] a piece of modern art which can include objects, light, sound etc.

still life plural still lifes [uncountable and countable]
a picture of an arrangement of objects, for example flowers or fruit

The events that form the main story of a book, film, or play:
The plot was a little confusing.
We discover that Jack isn't as innocent as he seems, as the plot unfolds (=gradually becomes clearer).

It’s been a long time since I last went to the cinema.

I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.

be all the rage
informal to be very popular or fashionable:
DiCaprio became all the rage after starring in the film 'Titanic'.

1 curved outwards or shaped like a hook:
a hooked nose
2 [not before noun] informal if you are hooked on a drug, you feel a strong need for it and you cannot stop taking it [= addicted]
hooked on
I know a girl who got hooked on cocaine.
3 [not before noun] informal if you are hooked on something, you enjoy it very much and you want to do it as often as possible
hooked on
I got hooked on TV when I was sick.

Modern art is not my thing.

Once in a while / once in a blue moon.

I haven’t seen a film in a long time.

I was amazed at the look of such terrific sculptures.

I prefer the cinema best.

I think (that) in the future prices will be even lower.

Young people can’t afford a house.

Make the prices cheaper.

sculptor /ˈskʌlptə r / noun [ C ]
[ ART ] someone who makes sculpture

scenery /ˈsiːn ə ri/ noun [ U ]
1 COUNTRYSIDE the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside
The Grand Canyon is famous for its spectacular scenery.

2 THEATRE the large pictures of buildings, countryside, etc. used on a theatre stage

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