Wednesday, January 13, 2016

C1 13-14/1/15


travelog, British English travelogue  noun documental masculine sobre viajes
uncharted waters/territory/area etc
a situation or activity that you have never experienced or tried before:
This new project will take us into uncharted territory.
2 not marked on any maps:
an uncharted island

a gripping film, story etc is very exciting and interesting:
Collins' gripping detective novel

civ•i•li•za•tion /ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃən/  

ra•vine /rəˈvin/   n. [countable]
1. a narrow, steep-sided valley usually created by the effects of running water off the soil over a long time.

chasm /ˈkæzəm/   n. [countable]
1. Geographya wide, deep crack in the earth's surface.
2. a wide split in opinions, etc., esp. one producing a break in relations:to overcome the great chasm between our two nations.

quin•tes•sence /kwɪnˈtɛsəns/   n. [countable;
usually singular;
usually: the + ~]
1. the most perfect type or example of something:the quintessence of honesty.

At the best of times
Steep ascents
So keeps pressing on
At a conservative estimate it was 1,500 feet deep
The former
To put accross a political message
pal•try /ˈpɔltri/   adj., -tri•er, -tri•est. 
1. ridiculously or insultingly small:a paltry wage.
2. completely worthless:paltry clothes.
endeavour, US endeavor /ɪnˈdɛvə/ vb
1. to try (to do something)
1. an effort to do or attain something
ascent /əˈsent/

Ernie and Bernie

ex•cerpt /ˈɛksɝpt/  n. [countable]
a passage or quotation taken or selected from a book, document, film, or the like;
extract:The pastor read excerpts from the Bible.


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