Tuesday, October 20, 2015

C1 17-18/10/15

Homework: Reading act. P. 14 (1, 2 3 and 4)

go-getter  noun (colloquial): we need ambitious go-getters for our firm necesitamos gente ambiciosa y con empuje para nuestra empresa; she's a real go-getter es de las que consiguen lo que se proponen

doer  ||  noun (colloquial)
1   (active person) persona feminine emprendedora or dinámica
2   (person who does something) hacedor, -dora masculine, feminine; a doer of good works un buen samaritano

drifter  ||  noun
A   (person): he's a drifter va dando tumbos por la vida, es un tiro al aire (Southern Cone colloquial)

happy-go-lucky  adjective despreocupado

A rolling stone

Heart and soul used to say that you give all your attention and enthusiasm to something
She threw herself into teaching heart and soul.
worrier  noun: she's such a worrier se preocupa or se angustia tanto por todo

dreamer  noun (daydreamer, idealist) soñador, -dora masculine, feminine; come on, dreamer, hit the ball! ¡anda, no te quedes ahí dormido y dale a la pelota!; a band of dreamers (pejorative) unos ilusos

set a goal
conscientious  adjective work concienzudo, serio; student aplicado, serio

We´ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Go/run smoothly.



sporty /ˈspɔːti/ adjective
1 ATTRACTIVE Sporty cars, clothes, etc are attractive, comfortable, and stylish.
2 SPORTS [ SPORT ] Sporty people are good at sports.

A firm believer in…

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