Monday, February 16, 2015

ni2 16-17/2/15

Homework: p.66, reading activity (C + E)

lounge 1 /laʊndʒ/ noun [ C ]
1 HOME UK the room in a home where you sit and relax
2 HOTEL US a room in a hotel, theatre, airport, etc where people can relax or wait

The room is as wide as yours/ twice wider and maybe a little bit longer.

debt /det/ noun
Word partners for debt
be in / fall into / get into / run into debt • get out of debt • clear / pay off / repay / settle a debt
1 AMOUNT [ ECONOMICS , FINANCE ] [ C ] an amount of money that you owe someone
She's working in a bar to try to pay off her debts .
2 OWE MONEY [ FINANCE ] [ U ] when you owe money to someone
We don't want to get into debt .
He's heavily in debt .
3 be in sb's debt
to feel grateful to someone who has helped you or given you something
I shall forever be in your debt.

studious /ˈstjuːdiəs/ adjective
spending a lot of time studying
studiously adverb

knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/ adjective
knowing a lot
He's very knowledgeable about art.

varied /ˈveərɪd/ adjective
consisting of many different types of things
a long and varied career

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