Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Questions with and without auxiliary

1 Queen Elizabeth I became queen of England IN 1558.

-When did Elizabeth become Queen of England?
2 QUEEN ELIZABETH I became queen of England in 1558.

-Who became queen of England in 1558 ?

3 LILITH was Adam's first wife.

-Who was Adam’s first wife?
4 THE ATHENIANS sentenced Socrates to death in 399 BC.

-Who sentenced Socrates to death?
5 The Athenians sentenced Socrates to death IN 399 BC.

-When did the Athenians sentence Socrates to death?
6 ARISTOTLE taught Alexander the Great.

-Who taught Alexander the Great?
7 Aristotle taught ALEXANDER THE GREAT.

-Who did Aristotle teach?
8 Apollo and Artemis were born IN DELOS, according to legend.

-Where were Apollo and Artemis born?
9 THE ARCHBISHOP OF VALENCIA ordered the execution of an innocent school teacher in 1826.

-Who ordered the execution of an innocent School teacher en 1826 ?
10 Gema saw A FOX CUB.

-What did Gema see?
11 GEMA saw a fox cub.

--Who saw a fow cub?

12 TONY broke the video.

-Who broke the video?

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