Thursday, November 17, 2011

nb2 17/11/11

Homework Ex 2 p.30 (and 149)

The match is on Saturday at seven (present simple=100%)
We are playing a basket match this weekend (present continuous=90%)
They are going to go Rome on holiday (going to=80%)
I (DON’T) think I’ll pass the exam (will=50%) (Predictions made at the moment of speaking)
I’m going to pass the exam (Predictions too but 80%=there’s an evidence=you know the lesson very well)

Shall negative short form shan't
Shall I/we...?
Spoken used to make a suggestion, or ask a question that you want the other person to decide about:
Shall I open the window?
Shall we say 6 o'clock, then?
What shall I get for dinner?
I/we shall
Especially British English formal used to say what you will do in the future:
We shall be away next week.
I shall have to be careful.
I've never liked her and I never shall.
We shall have finished by Friday.
3b, p.131
They won’t win. Will the meeting be long? He won’t get the job, will you see…, it’ll be impossible…, you won’t like…, she’ll love.., there won’t be…, you’ll BE ABLE TO (NOT can after will) find a good job.
Will never do, will ever make, won’t last, will be.

Will you be able to help me on Sunday?
Will there be many people in the party?
Will you ever see you again? NO, never.
It rings the bell.
You’ll get food poisoning.
You’ll fall asleep.
You won’t be able to concentrate.
The TV will break down.
There will be a power cut.
You will fall from a ladder.

I don’t have money or I have no money
Action packed film

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