Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ni2 16/11/11

Competitive exam
Vocational training
Join a gym
The last but not the least
SET OUT: to start doing something or making plans to do something in order to achieve a particular result
Set out to do something
Salesmen who deliberately set out to defraud customers
Set out with the idea/purpose/intention etc of doing something
They set out with the aim of becoming the number one team in the league.

[Not before noun] expected to happen or arrive at a particular time
Due to do something
The team is due to fly to Italy next month.
His new book is due to be published next year.
1 not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people's [≠ proud; ↪ humility]:
A modest and humble man
Ex 10 p 33
Will you be sleeping
Will not be carrying
Will have broken
We’ll have crossed
Will be crossing
Ex 11 p 33
Flying, travelling, hoping, taking, using, learnt, aiming, going out, saved, looking.
Grammar practice from the grammar reference:
1c, 2g, 3h, 4f, 5i, 6d, 7a, 8e, 9b
1were supposed, 2couldn’t, 3had to, 4was allowed, 5could, 6didn’t have to, 7can, 8don’t have to, 9must, 10can’t, 11has to, 12allowed to, 13must never, 14 needen’t
‘d arranged, overslept, arrived, already started, didn’t get, knocked, was showing, hadn’t had, did you meet, was, had forgotten, were coming, walked, was playing
1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a+b,

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